Home » today » World » ND: Nerves, many nerves in the blue MPs – 2024-09-23 06:26:56

ND: Nerves, many nerves in the blue MPs – 2024-09-23 06:26:56

How did he say it? Dinos Iliopoulos; “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we’re a nice vibe.” This is how the Parliamentary Group of the New Democracy looks like, which, since it does not have to fight with MPs of the… non-existent opposition, said to start a civil war.

The question of “11” in Kostis Hatzidakis for the funds, he finally opened the Askos of Aeolos, and it is not certain how it will be closed, as Vimatodotis reports. First of all, Hatzidakis’ answer to the parliamentarians’ question had both sharp edges and was strict. The Minister of Finance seemed to be touched and responded visibly irritated by sending another message: That those who ask questions with populist content will also get the answers they deserve. Then the government representative Pavlos Marinakis who commented “Some have now discovered what the role of MPs is”. A comment, mild I can say, that was treated positively by Maximos, but also by a group of ND MPs.

The cross-stitches for the parliamentary work

Also, he himself Nikitas Kaklamanisamong the 11 “rebels” announced a new round of questions, adding more fuel to the fire. But which is the worst, as Pacemaker learns? The… cross-stitching between blue-collar MPs and their separation, depending on their performance in Parliament. For example, some say, with evidence and names, that a number of new MPs, elected from 2019 onwards, have shown zero parliamentary work. Unlike the older MPs who “moan” but do work.

Among the MPs, they name (as their … colleagues report, in an unprecedented crosstalk) the MP from Thessaloniki, F. Papahim D. Kalogeropoulos of Second Athens, the Nikos Vlachakos and George Vrettakos from Piraeus, the Michalis Livanowho have been speaking in Parliament for months. Also, no parliamentary question has been filed by Nefeli Maria Hatziioannidouo Thanasis Papathanasis from Etoloakarnania, the Member of Parliament for the Territory George Stamatis and the MP of Kavala Angeliki Delikari. The member of Thebes asked only one question Lefteris Ktistakis. I repeat these statistics are given by the blue MPs. Nerves… a lot of nerves in New Democracy…

#Nerves #nerves #blue #MPs

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