San Francisco (AP) – NBA star coach Steve Kerr is confident that the United States is slowly making progress in the fight against gun violence. “I see hope,” said Kerr, 57, in an interview during the Spirit of Sport event.
In order to get the big problem of gun violence under control in his home country, it is important to talk about the problem. “And those conversations are happening now,” said Kerr, who is a Laureus World Team of the Year Award nominee with the Golden State Warriors. The awards will be presented in Paris on May 8th.
Kerr has repeatedly taken a political stance in the past and has always called for tightening of gun laws in the USA, especially after mass shootings. Above all, his appearance at a press conference in Dallas in May last year after a school massacre that killed 19 children in the US state of Texas caused a stir. “I’m tired. I’m so tired of getting up here and saying my condolences to the devastated families out there,” Kerr had said, refusing to talk about basketball.
What gives him some hope now is that more and more athletes, musicians or actors would use their fame to address the issue. In addition, a young generation is growing up that no longer puts up with everything and is clearly positioning itself. “I have optimism that the younger generation is the ones who can make real change,” Kerr said. However, there have already been numerous mass shootings in the USA again this year, with numerous deaths.
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