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NBA Introduces New Rule Requiring Rest for Star Players Between Games

With the intention of making the games a more attractive event for fans, the NBA announced the entry into force of a new regulation that will require all teams not to give rest between games to more than one of the players with “star” statusas indicated by the league this Wednesday.

In that sense, the league indicated that the parameter to measure the status of each player and determine if this rule will apply to them, It will be the fact of having been part of the ‘All NBA’ team or having participated in an All-Star Game in the last three seasons. The new rule will be used from the 2023-2024 campaign.

For a player classified as a “star” to be exempt from the application of this regulation, The team will have to demonstrate that there are compelling reasons why the player cannot be on the field.whether due to some physical problem or something similar.

However, in order to prevent franchises from evading this rule, the NBA indicated that they They must “manage their rosters to ensure that no more than one star is unavailable in the same match.”

In turn, the league has told organizations that they must ensure that their stars are available for the various games of the harvest that will be broadcast on national television.

If this was not enough, the NBA added to this rule that, even If the player classified as ‘star’ is on a day of rest granted by the team, he must be present on the bench so that it is visible to the fans.

Meanwhile, the league also calls for maintaining a balance between single-game losses of a star in home and away games.

Despite all these demands that will surely generate controversy among the players, the rule contemplates how Exceptions allowed are injuries, personal reasons, absences from matches on consecutive days approved for reasons of the player’s age or serious past injuries.

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2023-09-14 02:19:18
#NBA #rule #require #teams #rest #star #game #Diario

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