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NBA Finals: Adebayo and Dragic out for game-2 against the Lakers

The center and the point guard of the Heat will miss the second game of the NBA Finals against the Lakers, having not recovered respectively from the injuries to his left shoulder and left foot suffered in Game-1. Both players will try to recover for game-3 scheduled for the night between Sunday and Monday

Bad news for Miami within hours of the start of game-2 of the NBA Finals against the Lakers: Bam Adebayo and Goran Dragic will not be in the game. The center of the Heat has not recovered fromshoulder injury suffered in the first challenge of the series, he still has pain and limited mobility. The hope remains open – writes ESPN – that he can recover for race-3. Nothing to do for Goran Dragic too struggling with plantar fasciitis. The player tried to load the injured foot, but still feels a lot of pain: for him too the hope is that things can change for game-3 scheduled on the night between Sunday and Monday at 1.30 am Italian. Certainly the situation for the Heat under 1-0 after a game-1 dominated by the Lakers – it is now very difficult, but this team has used to amaze throughout the season. And coach Spoelstra and the leader of the locker room Jimmy Butler (also struggling with an ankle problem) have already said not to look for excuses and that they will take the field in any case to win. Without Adebayo, however, the fight under the scoreboards against the centimeters and the class of the Lakers – starting from Anthony Davis, but even thinking about Dwight Howard and JaVale McGee, she appears truly unbalanced. And Dragic’s pick and roll creation was also indispensable for the Eastern Conference champions.

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