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NB II: the coach and goalkeeper left Nyíregyháza

Nyíregyháza Spartacus, which is part of the football NB II, has terminated the contract with its former head coach Géza Huszák and goalkeeper Sándor Nagy by mutual agreement, it was reported the club’s website.

Nyíregyháza broke the contract with Géza Huszák (Photo: Péter Kovács)

Géza Huszák
he once played football in Szpari, later he returned to his former team as an assistant to György Gálhidi, where he had previously worked as a coach, and then stayed at Nyíregyháza after the departure of the head coach.

With Szpari II, he won the championship title in the county’s first division last season, and in the current competition, he took over the NB II team after the 3rd round, which he managed for 15 matches. However, he could not work through the autumn season, as he was thanked for his work after the 19th game day, and Roland Lengyel arrived in his place – as an acting coach. Géza Huszák has now agreed on everything with the management of Spartacus, so the parties terminated his contract by mutual agreement.

He also left Szabolcs by mutual agreement Alexander the Great too. The 37-year-old goalkeeper arrived at Nyíregyháza at the beginning of 2022, in the fall he defended in a total of six games as a starter in Szpari.

Arrivals: Countess Alex (DVSC), Márk Kovácsréti (MTK), Major Marcell (Puskás Academy – on loan), Barnabas the Great (MTK)
They are leaving: David Artner (Mosonmagyaróvár), Adam Kovács (Tent), Attila Márkus (follow field)Alexander the Great (?)

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