After Romancha, Fahadh and Nazriya will be reuniting in the Jitu Madhavan-directed film Athusham. Fahadh and Nazriya are getting married after acting as hero and heroine in Anjali Menon’s Bangalore Days. After a gap of four years after marriage, Nazriya is coming back with Anjali Menon’s Kadu. Nazriya acted with Fahadh in the film Trance. He also appeared in a cameo role in Maniyara’s Ashokan. Nazriya is the production partner of Ramancham. Meanwhile, the shooting of Enthusiasm is progressing in Bengaluru. Romancham was also shot in Bengaluru. Fahad appears in a different get-up and is excited to be a comedy entertainer in a campus setting. The production is under the banners of Anwar Rasheed Entertainment and Fahad Fazil and Friends. The film is also written by director Jitu Madhavan. Fahad, who is participating in the shooting of the second part of Pushpa, will join on the 20th. The excitement is getting ready as an Onam release. Sameer Tahir is handling the cinematography. Sushin Shyam is the music director.