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Nazar Hryntsevich Hrinka – they said goodbye to the Azovstal defender in Vinnytsia — TSN Exclusive

Brothers and relatives of Nazariya came to say goodbye in black t-shirts with the phrase “Grinky”, which he said in the cellars of “Azovstal”.

In Vinnytsia, they said goodbye to the soldier of the special forces brigade of the National Guard “Azov” Nazariy Hryntsevich on the pseudonym “Hrinka”. He was the youngest defender of “Azovstal”. Passed the blockade in Mariupol, Russian captivity and after his release went to the front again. He was 21 years old.

This is stated in the story of TSN correspondent Yulia Kiriyenko.

To say goodbye to the soldier, the special forces brigade “Azov” gathered at the pseudo “Grinka”. hundreds of Vinnytsia residents. Relatives do not move away from the coffin, wrapped in a blue and yellow flag, for which 21-year-old Nazarii gave his life.

Farewell to the defender of Ukraine

“One of his lines is that my brothers there and I have to. I will not present them with the torture of prisoners. He sincerely loved Ukraine. He wanted it to be better. Much better,” says the soldier’s father Maksym Kolos.

It is from the Niva stadium Nazarii Hryntsevich and began his journey as a warrior. As a teenager, at the height of the war in the east, he was a fan of the Niva football club. Many of the older boys had already fought in “Azov”. Nazarii also dreamed of joining the ranks of the regiment.

At the same stadium, he read the prayer of the defenders of “Azovstal” last year. For the dead and those hundreds of Azov soldiers who are still in captivity. Now those who were by his side in the last moments of his life are saying goodbye to him here – special forces soldiers of “Azov”.

Farewell to Nazarii Hryntsevich

Brothers and relatives of Nazariya came to say goodbye in black t-shirts with the phrase “Grinky”, which he said in the cellars of “Azovstal”.

“So that it doesn’t happen to you, obey your mother, eat porridge and love Ukraine,” Nazarii said.

The phrase spoken by the fallen defender of Ukraine

Now these words have become a testament and are chanted from the tribune by the brothers of Azov.

On “Azovstal” Nazarii was a paramedic and saved many lives. Already after his return from captivity, “Grinka” recalled how he wanted to live during the blockade of Mariupol. And how he and his brothers talked about death in the basements of “Azovstal”. They even joked about the honor they wanted after her.

“I want a mural at the school. Score it. If God forbid, then let there be a mural,” said the boy.

About the Russian capture of Nazarii Hryntsevich spoke reluctantly. He only remembered how he dreamed of drinking milk with cookies. And after leaving Katyusha, the Russian “Grinka” got a tattoo – bread and jelly. He said it was the tastiest food fed in captivity.

Nazarius as soon as possible tried to return to the front for the sake of revenge on the enemy for tortured and killed brothers in the war.

“I know how many of my brothers are still there. How much damage this enemy has done to my country. And I live in revenge for the pain they brought us. That’s all,” said the soldier.

And Nazarii never once regretted his choice to be a soldier.

Funeral procession

“I want to live in a free Ukraine, which I choose. And when my children are born, they will ask where I was,” said the boy.

In his not too many interviews, “Grinka” always spoke not only about everyone’s duty to defend the country, but also about the fact that one should live life to the fullest. Because on in war you don’t know when your last day is.

It was previously reported that one of the youngest defenders of Azovstal, 21-year-old Nazarii “Grinka” Hryntsevich, died in the war, who returned to the front after being released from captivity.

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