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Nayra Solero faces her second assault against cancer “with her chapiri dyed pink” | Ceuta Television | Ceuta News

We did not need to sing a “me la Legión” when we asked Nayra Solero to come and share a few moments with us. Despite being in the middle of his second battle with cancer, when we proposed to do an interview that could serve to motivate and hope others who are going through the same situation, I do not doubt it. Thus, today he tells us about his experience and his struggle with that intention: to motivate those who need it to face the fight against the disease with positivity.

Nayra was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015, which radically changed her life. She went from skepticism to concern, and from there to the fight for her life against “the bug”, as she began to call it long before that name was attributed to the coronavirus.
Instead of huddling in a corner and lamenting her fate, Nayra tried to get on with her life, living day to day, working and fulfilling her duty as a legionary, despite receiving her treatment, both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. And instead of shrugging, he puffed out his chest and channeled all those experiences into a book, which could be of support to other people. ‘Brave woman, my warrior princess, with her pink-tinged chapiri’

The conclusions that she draws from what she has experienced, and that she shares with whoever needs it, are that a positive attitude is essential to face those moments, as was the support and affection that she received and receives every day from her husband, family, friends , and very especially, of his “legionary family”. That is why she even invites whoever needs to speak to contact her through Facebook.

Beyond “co-workers”, or even “brothers in arms”, the members of the Tercio Duque de Alba 2º de La Legión are her family, who, with their continuous displays of encouragement and support, have supported her throughout all this battle full of no flavors.

Not having a radiotherapy unit in Ceuta, which forces patients like her to have to travel to the peninsula to receive treatment, has been a terrible ordeal, which she had to face, again, with the support of her own.

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A lack, which now, 6 years later, continues to exist and which it claims seeking to be implanted in Ceuta.

To people in the same situation, he offers advice such as: “keep your spirits, combative attitude and hold on to the affection of those close to you.” Fundamental pieces, he explained, to try to win in the fight against this evil.

Advice to which she, now again fighting against the disease that has attacked her again, clings to, to win this “second round” against cancer. A new battle in which he will need love and solidarity to win.

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