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Navigating the Waning Moon Period: Insights and Advice from an Astrologer

From May 6 to May 19 – the time of the waning moon. There is an incredible range of emotions these days as the energy potential of this period is set by the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th.

Until the new moon on May 19, the degree of tension is quite high, socially there are many events that cause anxiety and uncertainty, says astrologer Marina Skadi (Marina Sokolova).

If you are an ordinary person and cannot influence the development of processes in politics, in society, then use all external crisis situations for internal transformations. This will be the first stage and an important step towards self-improvement, allowing you to move to the next level of the life cycle.

The waning moon period can be used to free oneself from the superfluous and obsolete, which hinders personal development and social integration. Two weeks after the lunar eclipse on May 5 are fateful for those who have in their natal chart Mercury retrograde, as well as for those born near eclipses. You can find out the features of your personal horoscope from an astrologer at a personal consultation. The natal chart is a cosmic passport that contains the keys to all areas of life!

May 6, waning Moon in Scorpio, from 23:03 – in Sagittarius

16th lunar day continues in the morning

Moon period without a course – from 17:37 to 23:03

Symbol of the day: butterfly

17th lunar day starts at 21:46

Symbol of the day: Shakti (Sanskrit: śakti – power, strength, Mother Goddess)

The spring corridor of eclipses has ended, and since that day there has been a decrease in the level of stressful tension, and the psycho-emotional state is gradually improving. Complete cases and situations from which it is time to free yourself; put dots where they should have been put a long time ago.

May 7, waning moon in Sagittarius

17th lunar day continues in the morning

Symbol of the day: Shakti

18th lunar day starts at 23:09

Symbol of the day: mirror

Venus, the planet of love, enters the sign of Cancer, the most family sign of the Zodiac. Day of the awakening of the soft female power. Favorable for romance, marital relations, pair contacts, holidays, feasts, fun and emancipation. A time of joy and inner freedom, inspiration for creative people.

May 8, waning moon in Sagittarius

18th lunar day continues in the morning

Moon period without course from 23:27

Symbol of the day: mirror

The outside reflects the inside. The mirror is a symbol of the divine mind, which creates the world in its own image and likeness. The external reality of the surrounding world is a reflection of our essence. It is useful to look inside yourself, to determine the true motives of your own views and actions. By changing your reactions to the outside world, you can transform your life.

May 9, the waning Moon in Sagittarius, from 02:32 – in Capricorn

19th lunar day starts at 00:26

The period of the Moon without a course continues until 02:32

Symbol of the day: spider

The web that the spider weaves is a symbol of the creative forces of the universe. The spider in the center of the web symbolizes the center of the world, as well as the Sun, surrounded by rays extending from it in all directions. Spider – feminine, lunar symbol, personifies the cycles of life and death, spins the web of time. Thanks to patience and hard work, you can achieve the patronage of the authorities and expect the support of sponsors.

May 10, waning moon in Capricorn

20th lunar day starts at 01:28

Symbol of the day: eagle

Eagle – a symbol of the Sun, is an attribute of solar gods, rulers and warriors in many cultures. Embodies the spiritual principle, power, speed, power. On this day, it is good to plan and carry out important work that requires accuracy, strict mathematical calculations and precise implementation of instructions. Real estate transactions are going well, issues in the professional sphere are being resolved.

May 11, waning moon in Capricorn, from 05:05 – in Aquarius

21st lunar day starts at 02:13

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from 02:52 to 05:05

Symbol of the day: a herd of horses

A day of justice, uniting people and moving forward. The horse symbolizes passion, dynamic strength, agility, speed of thought, the passage of time, indomitability and striving forward, the transition from one level to another. According to the principle of analogy, a herd of horses shows how the events of life fly by, that we do not even notice their importance. On this day, you need to hold the reins, concentrate, otherwise you can fly out of the saddle and find yourself on the sidelines of life.

May 12, waning moon in Aquarius

22nd lunar day starts at 02:45

Symbol of the day: Ganesha (Sanskrit: Ganeśa – god of wisdom and prosperity)

A day of spiritual and creative renewal. Favorably training and any work with information, important documents. If you dedicate this day to study, you can advance, as in years of hard work. Good time for travel, travel and travel, business trips. Good luck accompanies people working with information, in the field of education, publishing houses.

May 13, the waning Moon in Aquarius, from 07:38 – in Pisces

23rd lunar day starts at 03:08

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from 06:15 to 07:38

Symbol of the day: Makkara the crocodile is a mixture of a crocodile, a bird, a fish and a snake that devours everything.

The energy of the day is complex, a time of temptation and provocation. Inept behavior in a conversation can lead to conflicts and aggression. If you act purposefully alone, then the power of the moon can help realize the most complex plans. Day of complex restructuring, allows you to identify the causes of problems and eliminate them.

May 14, waning moon in Pisces

24th lunar day starts at 03:26

Symbol of the day: Shiva (the personification of the destructive principle, transformation)

By destroying the old, we create the new. Day of awakening male energy, activation of physical strength, creative activity. Favorable for love relationships, passionate romantic encounters. The right time for a radical change. A good time to take stock, carefully analyze and plan for the reorganization of structures, any systems and projects.

May 15, waning Moon in Pisces, from 10:55 – in Aries

25th lunar day starts at 03:41

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from 05:56 to 10:55

Symbol of the day: turtle

The turtle is also a symbol of wisdom, because it is a protection for itself (the protective shell is part of itself). It characterizes strength, patience, endurance, constancy, regularity, fertility, longevity. The day is passive and contemplative. You should listen to your inner voice. Do not rush to solve important issues. Mercury is stationary on this day, preparing to go into direct motion.

May 16, waning moon in Aries

26th lunar day starts at 03:55

Symbol of the day: swamp

The swamp is a symbol of external peace, fraught with the danger of death. The motto of this day: you go quieter – you will continue. This day is considered unfavorable for any business. Avoid vain fuss, wasting energy on chatter. Refrain from vigorous activity, rest more, be selective in contacts. Today begins a new social cycle – Jupiter enters the sign of Taurus until the end of May next year.

May 17, waning Moon in Aries, from 15:27 – Taurus

27th lunar day starts at 04:09

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from 12:09 to 15:27

Symbol of the day: trident

The main secret of the trident lies precisely in the sacred number 3. The signs of the “trinity” as a symbol of the air and earth elements were found in the rock records of Mount Ararat. Since then, the symbol of the trident of God has meant the spiritual, fiery power, natural and vital forces of man. A wonderful day for reflection and meditation, perhaps intuitive insight, obtaining intimate knowledge. The subconscious will help you find a way out of a difficult situation.

May 18 Waning Moon in Taurus

28th lunar day starts at 04:24

Symbol of the day: lotus

The lotus symbolizes the primordial waters, spiritual unfoldment, wisdom and nirvana. It is an image of purity and perfection. A calm and auspicious day is associated with spiritual insight. You should spend it actively and in a good mood, look inside yourself. A day of work with dreams, you can establish a connection with your subconscious. Favorable for virtually all cases, their completion.

May 19 Waning Moon in Taurus

29th lunar day starts at 04:43

The period of the Moon without a course lasts from 20:50 to 21:47

Symbol of the day: hydra

The Hydra is the blind, animal force of life. In Greek mythology, a dragon-serpent with seven heads. She symbolizes the difficulties in the fight against evil: as soon as one of her heads is cut off, a new one immediately grows. Difficult and emotionally intense day. Take care of physical and mental resources, try to save money, do not discuss financial issues. The new moon at 18:53 will reset the tense potential of the previous lunar month, in which there were two eclipses.

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2023-05-03 18:52:39
#Waning #Moon #awaits #time

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