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Navigating the Last Wave of Mercury Retrograde in 2023: How to Avoid Misunderstanding and Fraud

The last five signs of Mercury retrograde in 2023 will be the hardest hit! Resolve methods to escape misunderstanding and fraud openly (Illustration/Getty Image)

2023 is coming to an end, but before we welcome the New Year, we still have to face the last wave of Mercury retrograde. December 13, 2023 to January 2, 2024 is the last time of Mercury retrograde this year. Let’s take a look at what the zodiac expert has to say. Teacher Meng proposed five constellations for the hardest-hit areas. What should we pay attention to? How to resolve the disadvantages caused by Mercury retrograde!

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Top 1 constellation in the most affected area by Mercury retrograde: Capricorn

Capricorn is a sign that is reliable and has leadership qualities. This time Mercury retrograde affects Capricorn’s natal house. In terms of understanding and absorbing information and knowledge, it is considered normal. However, there are situations where words may not be clear, opinions expressed imprecisely, and answers to other people’s questions may easily lead to misunderstanding and confusion. This will cause friends around you to make unbelievable or doubtful remarks. Of course, family brothers and sisters will also feel that Capricorns themselves have unreliable behavior. If students who are still studying or preparing for exams may not be able to express their thinking clearly, their learning results will be half the result with half the effort, and there is a possibility that their grades may even decline.

Top 1 constellation in areas hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Capricorn (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Top 2 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Sagittarius

Sagittarius has a kind personality and is eager to help others. During this Mercury retrograde period, when Mercury retrograde invades the house of wealth, it is easy to be deceived and victimized. You should also pay attention to issues such as financial fraud, business contract disputes, and religious scammers, which may arise when you are not thinking carefully or are mentally ill. Especially in terms of money and power, if you have a large amount of money to invest, or when making a major decision, it is not too late to slow down or discuss it more before making a decision. In addition, they also have too many fantasies and live in the illusions created by others without realizing it. At the same time, when traveling in traffic, pay attention to accidents caused by vehicle conditions and road conditions, especially tools related to electronic devices.

Top 2 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Sagittarius (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images)

Top 3 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Cancer

Cancer is active and efficient in doing things. During Mercury retrograde, you should be careful not to be too impulsive in everything, and calm down before making a decision. Especially disputes caused by speaking too hastily and without thinking, easily causing misunderstandings by others, not being delicate enough, being too impulsive, making unrealistic promises, and being too bold. Although your imagination will become richer, you will also think too much, and you will have the idea of ​​getting something for nothing. You should also be careful about exaggerating and bragging to avoid being seen through by others and causing mutual dissatisfaction. In addition, when Mercury retrograde hits the house of husband and wife, you need to pay attention to how you get along with your partner. There will be communication problems, good and bad. During this period, don’t be too demanding of the other party, and don’t be too picky about things you don’t like.

Top 3 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Cancer (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images)

Top 4 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Pisces

Pisces should pay attention to all aspects this time. Mercury retrograde will impact interpersonal relationships this time, so you should pay attention to harmonious relationships with others, and don’t make too many comments, or be careful of being regarded as criticizing the other person. Of course, you are usually popular and you can get many good things indirectly. However, during Mercury retrograde, these good luck may be lost. The original unique conditions may be temporarily lost. If you behave uncharacteristically, people around you may be surprised. Don’t hold on to it. The mentality of being a proud servant requires more caution. And if there are electronic transactions, online shopping platform transactions, monetary contracts, etc., be careful to avoid equipment problems and repeated deductions.

Top 5 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Aquarius (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images)

Top 5 zodiac signs hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Aquarius

Mercury retrograde in Aquarius invades the spiritual palace, and it is easy to collect information. Therefore, during Mercury retrograde period, you must be careful about information confusion and anxiety. In addition, you should pay attention to the emotional aspect. Mercury retrograde may cause you to speak too fast or say the wrong thing, making your partner feel that you are not taken seriously, and there may be quarrels. Aquarius likes to make friends and connect with each other, but they are not very stable themselves, and may be emotional or impatient, especially when communicating with friends, they talk nonsense and gossip, causing misunderstandings and disputes. And injured.

Top 4 constellations hardest hit by Mercury retrograde: Pisces (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

What should I do if Mercury goes retrograde?The secret to solving the problem is revealed

So if we are really unfortunate enough to be on the list of hardest-hit areas by Mercury retrograde, how should we resolve it and let ourselves get through this chaotic period safely? Here are a few things you can do during Mercury retrograde. Just be careful and you’ll get through it smoothly!

During Mercury retrograde, it is easy for people to feel anxious about information, or the whole person is so agitated that they cannot calm down. At this time, if someone encourages you to make a decision, or you find your partner very unpleasant, you must calm down first. I suggest you do this. Talk to more rational friends around you, and you may have different ideas.

The secret to resolving Mercury retrograde: Don’t make any decisions impulsively, discuss everything with someone first (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images)

All documents must be read at least twice before signing, otherwise some details may be overlooked. If you sign a contract without paying much attention during Mercury retrograde, you will most likely want to change your mind or modify one of the terms when Mercury goes direct.

You should also pay more attention to interpersonal relationships during Mercury retrograde. Sometimes you may not mean it, but being outspoken can easily hurt others. In addition, you must know how to be patient and avoid unnecessary quarrels.

Everyone knows that 3C products are hardest hit by Mercury retrograde, so maintaining good backup habits can prevent sudden breakdowns of electrical appliances. Always bring a power bank with you when you go out to avoid sudden power outages!

Tips for resolving Mercury retrograde: Pay attention to the power of 3C products and make sure to back them up at any time (Image/Getty Image) (Getty Images)

[Extended reading]

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Top 4 zodiac signs that are most likely to become flat! Not getting married, not having children, not buying a house, just pursuing a Buddhist life without working hard!

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