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Navigating the Italian Tax Code: How to Avoid Losing Tax Deductions

Italian taxpayers are spoiled for choice between bonuses and other tax deductions, but not everyone can take advantage of them.

Having the right to a substantial tax discount, but not being able to take advantage of it: this is the paradoxical situation in which many Italian taxpayers find themselves. In technical terms we talk about “incapacity”, and the typical case is that of Irpef. In short words, if the income is too low, the taxes are also reduced and therefore the tax relief cannot be used (or at least not in its entirety). Can this problem be solved? And how?

What to do to avoid losing tax deductions lintellettualedissidente.it

One example among many possible: a taxpayer receives a 100% permanent disability welfare pension and Law 104 and, given his income situation, cannot discharge tax-deductible expenses such as those for drugs or specialist and dental visits. And so, ironically, it is precisely citizens with less economic resources who are cut off from the most convenient bonuses.

The tax incompetence trap

Unfortunately, fiscal insufficiency (see the case just described and many other similar situations) is a “trap” with no way out. The “tax credit transfer” option has now been archived and the famous “compensations” that can often be applied to companies are not provided for private individuals. Moral: if the taxpayer is insufficient for Irpef purposes, it means that he does not already pay the taxes to which he would be subject and, consequently, no deduction can be applied. If you pay them up to a certain amount, you will not be able to benefit from benefits valid for higher amounts of taxable income.

Tax deductions are used to pay less taxes on lintellectualedissidente.it

It sounds a bit like the dog chasing its tail argument, but there it is. The tax deductions they serve to pay less taxes for certain expenses incurred by the taxpayer. But if the taxpayer is incapable, he cannot apply those reliefs: at least in theory he does not need them (even if, as we know, in practice this is often not the case at all).

All things considered, there is only one way to benefit from the deductions: declare an income subject to Irpef for an amount greater than the applicable concessions. In many cases this is not possible (think of the disabled person mentioned above). But there is always the exception that confirms the rule, also because the disability pension is formally compatible with carrying out a working activity (if you do not exceed certain income limits).

2023-12-18 18:30:51
#Insufficient #Irpef #purposes #tax #deductions #Dissident #Intellectual

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