The issue of racism and xenophobia has been one that has plagued societies for centuries, and unfortunately, it is still very much present in our modern times. The ‘go back to where you came from’ rhetoric has become a weapon of choice for many individuals who harbor racist tendencies and seek to intimidate others they see as different. This attitude is not only prevalent in low-income neighborhoods, but has now seeped into ‘upmarket’ neighborhoods as well. In this article we will explore how this trend has infiltrated even the most seemingly elite neighborhoods and the impact it has on those who are targeted.
This piece discusses the writer’s experience of raising a daughter who looks different from her due to her East Asian heritage. They have frequently been asked where their daughter is from by curious strangers, often of a certain age and white. The writer discusses the difficulties of responding to these questions and the different terms used to describe non-white people. They emphasize the importance of representation and inclusivity in schools and organizations and the prevalence of racial prejudice in all areas of society. They hope for a future where people of different ethnic backgrounds are fully represented and integrated.
In conclusion, it is clear that the toxic and hateful rhetoric of the “go back to where you came from” merchants is alive and well in even the most affluent and upscale areas of our cities. It is imperative that we acknowledge the existence of this dangerous mindset and work to dismantle it, both in our communities and in our own hearts and minds. Only by embracing diversity and supporting one another can we truly build a society that is equitable and just for all. Let us strive towards a brighter future where everyone is valued and respected, regardless of their background or origin.