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Navarra studies banning the passage of trucks on weekends

The regional department of Territorial Cohesion will study the possibility of prohibit the movement of trucks by the Navarrese road network during the weekends, following the example of the measure applied in the Basque Country and France. Its owner, Bernardo Ciriza, yesterday welcomed the proposal made by the mayors of Baztan-Bidasoa meeting in the Señorío de Bertiz with a delegation from the provincial government, led by its president, María Chivite.

“It is not a simple thing” to carry out, Chivite pointed out at the conclusion of the meeting, but “the counselor has picked up the glove” of the mayors. In the current circumstances, with the prohibition of passage to heavy traffic in the Basque Country and France during the weekends, the circulatory traffic of trucks is especially notorious on Sunday afternoons along the N-121-A. Towns settled on its margins become, in fact, temporary parking while waiting for the reopening of the crossing in Irún and the border.

Just as there was rapprochement with the acceptance of the proposal to be submitted for study, the differences of opinion between the Government and mayors centered on the request of the latter to definitively divert the transport of passage through the A-15. “The legal services of the Provincial Government tell us that it is something impossible. We are talking about a national highway ”, indicated María Chivite in reference to the N-121-A.

There was consensus on the creation of a work table, in which the mayors are represented, to address the conversion of this road into a 2 + 1, which yesterday received a new impulse with the announcement of the start in autumn of the works of the fourth section of 11.5 kilometers between Oronoz-Mugaire and Sunbilla. It requires an investment of 19.7 million euros. The work of the fourth section will include the construction of two roundabouts, one for access to Oronoz-Mugaire and another for the Santesteban service area. Also, there will be a new link at Sunbilla. In turn, Navarra Suma defends the alternative of a 2 + 2 high-capacity road or highway so that the 2 + 1 “is not a patch” and urges the use of European funds in its development.


On the other hand, María Chivite announced the triple financial path that the Executive that she presides over will explore in order to gather the more than 100 million that the unfolding of the Belate and Almandoz tunnels will cost. As he said, in addition to the general budgets of Navarra and the State, it will resort to European funds, through the central government.

The European alternative is being considered as it is found in the safety guidelines issued by the community institutions the obligation to adapt the tunnels of trans-European routes to the accident prevention conditions. On May 1, 2019, the established deadline expired, with the consequent threat of sanction that weighs on Navarra for failing to comply with the established precepts. The toll collection option will not work for the tunnel work, Chivite said.

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