Home » today » World » Navalny: “Moscow return my clothes, they are important evidence of the poisoning” – La Stampa

Navalny: “Moscow return my clothes, they are important evidence of the poisoning” – La Stampa

Aleksey Navalny is back in battle. Despite still being recovered from a hospital in Berlin, Vladimir Putin’s main opponent has once again popped up on his highly popular website to publicly ask Russian authorities to hand over the clothes he wore on August 20, when he collapsed on a plane. for what is suspected to have been poisoning with a nerve substance of military origin. “This is important evidence,” wrote the dissident explaining that Novichok – the neurotoxin that seems to have dragged him between life and death in recent weeks – was found both in his organism and on his body and that the poisoning «By contact» is therefore «very probable».

In short, the clothes could still contain traces of the poison according to Navalny, who from the Charité clinic in Berlin, where he was transported by air ambulance after spending two days in a hospital in Omsk, asked that his clothes “be carefully closed in a bag of plastic “and are” returned “. “Before allowing me to be taken to Germany, they took off all my clothes and sent me here completely naked,” the dissident denounced in the first post on his website after awakening from a coma. But the Kremlin will hardly fulfill Navalny’s request: the local health authorities have in fact announced that the clothes are no longer in the Omsk Emergency Hospital but have been seized by investigators.

Berlin: «poisoned with Novichok», but Moscow denies
The German government is certain that the driver of the anti-Putin protests was poisoned with Novichok: a type of neurotoxin developed in the Soviet Union in the 1970s and which London believes was used two and a half years ago in Salisbury by Russian intelligence. to try to kill former double-agent spy Sergey Skripal. The conclusions of the German specialists have been confirmed by laboratories in France and Sweden and in recent weeks the international pressure on the Kremlin has multiplied to clarify what happened. Putin’s Russia is obviously the main suspect for the alleged poisoning. In Moscow, however, they argue that there are no conditions to open an investigation and at the moment the Russian authorities have only launched a sort of preliminary investigation, reiterating almost daily that Omsk doctors have not found toxins in Navalny’s blood.

The version of events told by Russia, however, does not convince many observers, who suspect that behind this case there is the hand of the secret services of Moscow and that Navalny is the umpteenth victim of an assassination attempt against an inconvenient person for the Kremlin . According to the allies of Putin’s number one rival, German scientists also found traces of the deadly neurotoxin Novichok even on a bottle of mineral water taken from the room of the Tomsk hotel where Navalny had stayed before feeling sick on the plane and forcing the pilots at an emergency landing in Omsk. The opponent therefore may have been poisoned before leaving the hotel, and not with a tea drunk at the airport as was initially assumed.

“Love heals”

In addition to his well-known fighting side, today Navalny also showed his romantic face on the web. He posted on Instagram a photo with his wife Yulia on a balcony of the Charité clinic in Berlin. “Now I know it from experience: love heals and brings back to life,” wrote the opponent in a long post thanking his wife for being close to him and thus “saving” him. “You’ve certainly seen it in movies and read it in books a hundred times: one person lies in a coma and the other with his love and constant care brings him back to life. It was the same for us, ”Navalny explained. “We respected the canon of classic films about love and coma. I slept, slept, slept. Yulia talked to me, sang songs to me, turned on the music. I will not lie: I don’t remember anything », the anti-corruption blogger explains at the end, but certain of the beneficial effect of his wife’s attention on his recovery.

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