Home » today » News » Navalni’s mother says she is being threatened – 2024-02-25 02:52:45

Navalni’s mother says she is being threatened – 2024-02-25 02:52:45

Lyudmila Navalnaya.

The mother of the Russian opposition leader, Alexei Navalnywho died last week in prison, today accused the authorities of threatening her and of wanting to bury her son secretly so that her supporters could not say goodbye to the president’s number one enemy, Vladimir Putin.

«In my presence they receive orders from the Kremlin or from the central apparatus of the Instruction Committee. They want it to be done in secret, without goodbye. They want to take me to the outskirts of the cemetery, to a fresh grave and say: ‘Here lies his son’ »he said in a video posted on the Navalni team’s Telegram channel.

The politician’s mother, Lyudmila Navalnayaadded: «I do not agree with this. “I want you, those of you who loved Alexei, for whom his death was a personal tragedy, to have the opportunity to say goodbye to him.”.

The late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. EFE / EPA / YEVGENY FELDMAN

«I am recording this video because they have started to threaten me: looking into my eyes they tell me that if I do not accept a secret funeral, they will do something with my son»says the mother, who said she had access to the body the day before and had signed the medical certificate of death.

He mentioned a researcher named Voropaev, who told him openly: “Time is not in your favor, the corpse is decomposing.”

«I don’t want special conditions, I just want everything to be done according to the law. I demand that the body be handed over to me immediately,” he insisted.

Navalnaya assured that Russian specialists claim to know the reason for the opponent’s death last Friday in the Arctic prison. “Polar Wolf”but they continue to refuse to hand over the body.

«Under the law they should have given me Alexei’s body immediately, but they have not done so until today. Instead, they blackmail me, they put conditions on me: where, when and how Alexei should be buried. “That’s illegal.”he assures in the video.

Navalny’s spokesperson, Kyra Yarmishassured on Telegram that the medical certificate signed by the mother states that the opponent died of “natural causes.”

Meanwhile, the lawyer Ivan Zhdanovright-hand man of the deceased opponent, assured that the authorities imposed three conditions on the mother.

The first is that Liudmila Naválnaya cannot speak publicly about the burial so that the body cannot be received at the airport by her supporters.

The second is that during the funeral the family of the deceased must be accompanied at all times by a member of the Russian Investigative Committee, a body that reports directly to the Kremlin.

Finally, only upon arriving in Moscow with the body will the date of the burial be decided, which will take place in Moscow or in the town of Vladimir.

«The funeral must be exclusively family. “As they secretly buried (the head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny) Prigozhin, so it must be with Alexei Navalny.”they told him, according to Zhdanov.

A few days ago Navalni’s mother sent a letter to the Russian president, Vladimir Putinto have the body of his son delivered to him, while his co-religionists filed a lawsuit in court to speed up the delivery of the body.

«I am addressing you, Vladimir Putin. The solution to this matter depends only on you. Let me see my son once and for all!said Liudmila Naválnaya in a video posted on YouTube and X.

Navalny’s widow, Yulia, and her team directly blame Putin for ordering the murder of his main political opponent.

The Kremlin flatly denied the accusations and called for waiting for the results of the autopsy, while Putin has not publicly alluded to the issue. EFE (I)

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