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Nauseous pastiches at the Nantes police station

“Tintin in Congo, at night. “It is a diversion from famous cover of a Tintin album, but on this pastiche, the reporter hero is black, as if to say that at night, everyone is black… “Racist” supposedly humorous posters nauseated a lawyer this spring in an office on the ground floor of the central police station in Nantes where suspects in police custody for minor crimes are questioned. The officers of police succeed one another.

Whoever posted this image must have been aware of its more than doubtful taste because it had been added alongside, on a printed sheet, the sentence by Pierre Desproges: “We can laugh at everything but not with anyone. “ As if those who did not taste the “joke” were too stuck, too stupid … A way to defend themselves in advance of the grumpy who would find fault there.

“I had the poster removed”

Very quickly, on the social networks of lawyers and in the courtroom of the courthouse, the story spread. Enough for this to go back to the departmental direction of the national police. “I had the poster removed as soon as I learned about it, ten days ago “Soberly assured Benoit Desfesret, the police chief in Loire-Atlantique, while specifying that he had not seen her.

Problem: this is not the first time that these same offices have hosted a poster of this barrel. A few months ago, already, the emotion of lawyers behind the scenes had led to the depunation of a first hijacking. This time, we saw a boat loaded with migrants with the title: “The Congo at Tintin” … “It was quickly removed”, recalls a judicial source, “Shocked” to hear another poster of this ilk bloom again this spring. “It is my job to consider that it can be an offense …”

“Why did nobody react? “

At the time, Benoit Desferet had the poster removed, which he evokes, this time without detour, the “Racist connotation”. “It is at least disciplinary, for sure. An administrative investigation was carried out, but we have not identified anyone. […] In the police, you necessarily have the image of society, there is a percentage of extremists. “

“The problem is that it fuels suspicion of racism, comments another source from the palace. And we wonder why no one in the service reacted? However, these are offices where a migrant implicated in a file can be questioned. What about impartiality, the serenity of the interrogation? “

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