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Naum Barulya: Ukrainian Producer with Russian Citizenship and Ties to Putin’s Allies

Naum Barulya is a Ukrainian producer. He is also an old creative partner and ally of Vladimir Zelensky. And, as it turned out, he is a citizen of Russia.

Even before 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea, Naum Barulya was closely associated with the Russian KVN. He worked in Moscow with Alexander Maslyakov, and was also involved in organizing team performances both in the aggressor country and on the peninsula. Journalists of “Schemes” in his investigation, reports Channel 24, they discovered a lot of interesting things about Naum Baruli. In particular, that he is a citizen of Russia.

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Revolution of Dignity and return to Kyiv

As investigators say, after the Revolution of Dignity, Naum Barulya decided to return to Kyiv. He started his cooperation with the 95th Quarter, which was then headed by Vladimir Zelensky. Together they created the League of Laughter and produced a number of Ukrainian television sitcoms. In particular, “Country U”, “Tanka and Volodka” and others.

Vladimir Zelensky, who just won the elections, brought his creative circle to power. Thus, the daughter of the producer Irina Borzova was elected to the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People. But the president promoted her husband to the head of the Vinnytsia region.

As it turned out, Naum Barulya For ten years he never renounced his Russian citizenship. Moreover, until 2019 he traveled to Crimea. Moreover, he visited the Ukrainian peninsula, presenting a Russian document.

Moreover, Barulya also re-registered his property and restaurant business there. And he did this according to the laws of the aggressor country. At the same time, he became the owner of new real estate. Besides, his restaurant business in Sudak worked, paying hundreds of thousands of rubles to the Russian budget.

Naum Baruli has a Russian passport / Photo of “Schemes”

Briefly about the main thing in the Schemes investigation about Barul

  • He Worked in Moscow for 15 years. Moreover, for 8 years he was the general director of the Russian company “AMIK”, which produces KVN.
  • Cooperation between Baruli and Zelensky in two companies. The first was the “League of Laughter Production Center”, the second was “Drive Production”.
  • “League of Laughter” during the presidential campaign was one of the tools of hidden propaganda. This was noticed by the civil network “Opora”. And Naum Barulya himself was in the role of a VIP agitator in the elections.
  • Moreover, the “League of Laughter” is also was used in the interests of Baruli’s daughter Irina Borzova. She was a candidate for deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the Servant of the People.
  • Barulya and collaboration with Maslyakov. The latter, if you didn’t know, actively supports Putin’s actions and the so-called “SVO”. Yes, he has several more unclosed companies in Ukraine. And among them co-owners can be seen Naumu Barulya. We are talking about the Ukrainian branches of KVN – “AMIK UKRAINE”, “KVN TV” and “KVN PRODUCTION”. And now these companies have not been liquidated.
  • It is interesting that in the commentary to Barul’s “Schemes” noted that the companies are “just hanging.” According to him, since 2014 they have not carried out any financial transaction. At the same time, for some reason he could not explain why he had not yet left the ownership structure of the companies owned by the father and son Maslyakov.
  • Meanwhile, “Schemes” turned to the National Security and Defense Council with the question of why sanctions have not yet been imposed on the Maslyakovs. Taking into account the fact that they publicly support Putin’s actions and toured occupied Mariupol. The NSDC noted that no such proposals have been received neither from the president, nor from the Verkhovna Rada, the Cabinet of Ministers, the National Bank or the SBU.
  • Journalists also found that in April 2009, the Russian migration service issued Naumov Baruli a Russian passport. The producer was 49 years old at the time. At that time he lived in Moscow and was the general director of AMIK. Interestingly, the corresponding document is still in force.
  • In addition, with a Russian passport until 2019, Barulya owned two apartments in Moscow. And the Russian state portal Gosuslugi records that the producer’s passport is “valid.” The same is written on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It’s interesting that Barulya categorically refused to talk about the Russian document.

2023-12-20 23:30:05

#Naum #Barulya #Russian #passport #investigation #Zelenskys #ally

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