The Associació de Veïns de Natzaret reaffirmed yesterday in its historic claim for a large vocational training center for the neighborhood and demanded “priority” for the execution of the future Metrovalència line 11, which however does not yet have a project, but only the intention of the Generalitat to carry it out.
Thus, the Natzaret neighborhood entity demanded “an agreement between the Generalitat Valenciana and the Valencia City Council that guarantees compliance with the historical demands of our neighborhood in terms of sustainable mobility and education”, since they consider that cooperation between both administrations is essential.
They consider it essential to finish the Metrovalencia L10 in 2021, “and prioritize the new L11 line to link Natzaret through the Astilleros bridge, with the Marina, the Grau, the Canyamelar and the garages that FGV has in the Malva-rosa”, a project the latter that in its day also demanded the mayor Joan Ribó.
“It is the only way to guarantee that the garages or provisional warehouses of the Moreras municipal property plot are really provisional”, they assure regarding the intention of the Generalitat to build this facility. “If, on the other hand, FGV prioritizes the branch with the new Fe, the provisional status could be eternalized because the L10 is disconnected from the Metrovalencia network,” they explain from the AVV Natzaret.
That is why they require “priority” for metro line 11, “expiration date for temporary garages and compatibility with educational equipment.”
Secondly, they demand that their “historic claim for a vocational training center for Valencia (with some 26 specialties), a public secondary school and a school for adults, be specified this year, and its construction be included in the 2022 budgets.”
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