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Nature organizations: do not go into nature this beautiful spring weekend

With beautiful spring weather approaching, Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer are calling on people to avoid nature reserves this weekend.

For example, the organizations want to prevent many people from going out into nature at the same time, so that they cannot keep one and a half meters apart. “Especially enjoy the sun, but in your garden or on the balcony,” say the organizations.

Last weekend was it OK with the hustle and bustle in nature. “But that was partly due to fresh weather with a cold wind,” say Natuurmonumenten and Staatsbosbeheer.

It was the weekend before that pressure in nature reserves. “It is important that everyone uses their common sense and helps to prevent this situation from recurring.”

Amsterdam canals closed

Mayors may decide to, for example, close off parking spaces to prevent people from entering a nature reserve. For example, Amsterdam will restrict access to parks on Sunday.

The side entrances are closed and visitors are allowed ‘dosed’. Canals are also closed. There is a sailing ban and in the area locks remain closed for pleasure boating.

On Saturday it will be 15 degrees in the south and on Sunday it can even reach 20 degrees. “Mercury is also rising considerably in the rest of the country,” says NOS weather forecaster Marco Verhoef.

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