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Nature of the threat, precautions to be taken… Update on the coronavirus

A military checkpoint at the entrance to Padua (Italy), near Venice, on February 25. GABRIELE MICALIZZI / CESURA FOR “THE WORLD

While the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet resolved to speak of a pandemic about the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, the number of countries affected continues to grow, and the mobilization is becoming more pressing, especially in Europe.

In France, two new confirmed cases were registered on Tuesday, February 25, and the multiplication of contaminations at our borders, especially in Italy, raises many questions, both on the nature of the threat as on the precautions to be taken and on the country readiness.

Article reserved for our subscribers Read also Diagnosis, vaccine, evolution… where is the research on the coronavirus?
  • Why is the situation in Italy so worrying?

It is the sudden explosion in the number of cases in Italy that worries the transalpine authorities and their European neighbors. The only examination of the official figures shows the extent of the problem: Friday, February 21, late in the afternoon, there were only six cases reported on Italian soil. There were more than 320 on Tuesday, February 25, making the country by far the most exposed in Europe to the Covid-19 epidemic.

Another source of concern is the profile of patients who have declared themselves in recent days. In fact, they have no direct link with China, the original focus of the epidemic.

Read also Coronavirus: contaminations decrease in China, but increase elsewhere in the world
At the entrance to Casalpusterlengo, south of Milan, on February 24.
At the entrance to Casalpusterlengo, south of Milan, on February 24. GABRIELE MICALIZZI / CESURA FOR “THE WORLD
  • What to do if you come back from Italy, China, or other affected countries?

France has issued a series of recommendations for people returning from Italian regions affected by the new coronavirus, but also from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore and South Korea.

For fourteen days, they are asked to avoid “Any exit not essential”. Workers and students must, “As far as possible”, favor telework and avoid “Close contacts”, ie meetings, elevators, canteen… Travelers returning to France must also take their temperature twice a day and watch for the appearance of respiratory infection symptoms (cough, difficulty breathing) .

They are asked to wear a surgical mask when they are in front of another person and when they have to go out – which raises the question of the availability of these, many pharmacies are already in out of stock, especially in Paris.

In case of signs of respiratory infection, these people should contact 15 (SAMU) and especially not go to their doctor or to the emergency room, to avoid any potential contamination.

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