Home » today » Entertainment » Nature, about Dragnea: He threatened me. That with death remains to be interpreted. Unidentifiable people said that if I didn’t stop, I would see what would happen to me

Nature, about Dragnea: He threatened me. That with death remains to be interpreted. Unidentifiable people said that if I didn’t stop, I would see what would happen to me

“Threatened me. That with death remains to be interpreted and analyzed, but indeed at that time I received many messages by email, telephone, social networks from more unidentified than identifiable people, who said that if I do not end this dispute with Mr. Dragnea I will see what will happen to me, I will wait, I will not be able to go out in public with my children, there were many memories at that time “, said Gabriela Firea in the show moderated by Denise Rifai.

She added that at the time she considered those threats to be publicly announced.

“Now we can ask if I should keep them quiet and consider that they are words thrown under the protection of anonymity, or somehow to announce them publicly. I don’t know how I would proceed now if I were in the same situation, then I considered it necessary, that I have to announce at public level as well “, added the former mayor of the Capital.

“I think that the whole country found out what my relationship was with Liviu Dragnea”, the former mayor of the Capital also said, specifying that she was completely abandoned after becoming mayor. “I was left alone and told my colleagues in the ministries not to be helped so that I would not grow up in the polls,” she added.

In 2018, Gabriela Firea publicly announced that Dragnea wants to “liquidate”.

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