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Natural Remedies to Treat Hives Quickly: A Guide to Soothing Itching and Redness


Have you ever noticed that red, itchy bumps suddenly appear on your skin? You may experience hives or urticaria.

Reported by the Medical News Today website, hives are a reddish skin rash accompanied by itching. This condition can occur anywhere on the body and hives can sometimes feel prominent on the skin.

Hives are more common in children and adult women. Triggers and causes of hives can vary from person to person. However, this condition can generally be caused by; food allergic reactions, insect bites, infections, certain medications, sun exposure, cold temperatures, stress, and reactions to preservatives.

Usually hives will disappear by themselves within 24 hours without treatment. However, some detikers may not be able to stand the itching sensation that appears so they want to deal with it immediately.

So, is there a way to get rid of hives quickly? Read this article to the end to find out the answer.

How to Treat Hives Quickly Naturally

There are a number of effective home remedies that can be used to soothe hives with mild itching. Here’s how:

1. Use a Cold Compress

Compressing using cold water on the skin area with hives is the first thing that can be done. This is because ice can numb the skin so that the itching will subside temporarily.

To do this, prepare cold water or ice cubes along with a cloth or towel. Then wrap the ice in a cloth or dip a towel in cold water. Then compress the hives for 5-10 minutes. Do not apply ice or ice packs directly to the skin as this can cause further skin irritation.

However, if detikers hives are triggered by cold temperatures, then avoid this method because it can worsen the condition and the symptoms it causes.

2. Bath with Anti-Itch Solution

To relieve the itching sensation that appears in hives, you can also bathe with an anti-itch solution such as baking soda. Detikers can add one or two handfuls of baking soda to the tub water and bathe using that water.

3. Apply Aloe Vera

Aloe vera or aloe vera is said to be able to help soothe and reduce itching on the skin. Therefore, detikers can apply genuine aloe vera gel to the hives area. However, it is best to test it on other skin areas before using this ingredient because some people may not find it suitable.

4. Soak with Oatmeal

Apart from bathing, you can also soak or soak the hives area in a mixture of water and colloidal oatmeal. This is said to be able to overcome the itching sensation caused by this condition.

5. Avoid ingredients that irritate the skin

Certain ingredients can dry out the skin and cause excessive itching. Therefore, detikers need to avoid soap, moisturizer or lotion products that contain irritating ingredients. Choose a special product formula for sensitive skin.

6. Avoid scratching the hives area

If you experience hives, don’t scratch the itchy skin area. This is because scratching can worsen the condition and the resulting itching.

7. Wear loose clothing

It’s a good idea for detikers to wear loose and light cotton clothing. This is because the touch of rubbing on the skin of hives can stimulate excessive itching.

8. Avoid consuming alcohol and caffeine

Consuming alcoholic drinks can worsen the itching sensation that occurs in this condition. Therefore, avoid factors that trigger hives to become worse by not drinking alcohol and caffeine.

9. Avoid direct sun exposure

Some cases of hives can be caused by sun exposure. As much as possible, avoid sitting or staying under direct sunlight so as not to worsen the condition. Apart from that, keep the temperature of the house or room cool.

These are a number of ways to get rid of hives quickly naturally without medical treatment. So, do these methods if you get itchy hives, detikers.

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2023-09-20 11:15:23
#Ways #Rid #Hives #Quickly #Naturally #Medication

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