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Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Sun Spots and Blemishes on the Face: Parsley Leaves and Spirulina Powder

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Ladies and gentlemen bothered by spots on the face from the strong sun should know that they have very simple and effective natural remedies at hand to be able to get rid of them.

Parsley leaves are great for brightening the face and removing any blemishes. Pigmentation spots and freckles disappear like magic and leave the skin looking like a baby.

A decoction is prepared with the help of parsley leaves. More precisely, add 50 g of fresh plant leaves to one liter of boiled water. The decoction thus obtained is used as a lotion and applied by dabbing the area affected by freckles, 2 times a day. Chives are just as good, so alternate them with parsley.

Powdered spirulina is just as good, tested and tried, with very good, even incredible results from the first application. Mix a little powder of this seaweed with a drop of olive oil so that it forms a consistent paste.

It is not necessary to prepare a large amount, as the paste will be applied in a very thin layer. Even the neck or décolletage can be covered with the mixture, being considered two sensitive areas, which can be equally affected by the sun’s rays.

It is recommended to stay with the mask for at least two hours up to the whole day, to see visible results from the first application. And they will be seen, if you follow the simplest rules that I indicated in the article.

Spirulina plantensis is a blue-green algae. Her form of existence is rooted in the most primitive life forms on the planet. It represents a complete food and a complete food supplement.

Spirulina has been used for centuries for the nutrients in its composition and for its great life-sustaining quality. Today spirulina is grown organically on an increasingly large scale, and is recognized worldwide for its benefits as a food.

Spirulina powder contains essential trace elements and minerals, which are easily and naturally assimilated by the human body.

In addition to being a vegetarian source of protein and vitamin B12, other major nutritional components are found in spirulina powder: essential fatty acids, phycocyanin (this helps the assimilation of iron in the body), chlorophyll (cleanses and detoxifies the body and helps eliminate metals heavy), beta-carotene (it is present in spirulina 10 times more than in carrots), and antioxidants.

That is precisely why it contributes to the rapid regeneration of the skin, almost miraculously.


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2023-11-02 14:24:41
#Spots #face #removed #easily #ingredients #hand

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