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Natural Remedies for Diarrhea in Children: Tips and Techniques from Gala Newspaper

KORAN GALA – Diarrhea sometimes makes a person anxious. Moreover, frequent defecation can make our body weak. Diarrhea also often occurs in children. Moreover, small children often put toys in their mouths.

Children with diarrhea will experience changes in the texture of their feces and increase the frequency of defecation to more than three times a day.

If there is no medicine available at home, you can prevent diarrhea in children naturally. Here’s how to overcome it, summarized by the Gala Newspaper from various sources.

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1. Increase fluid intake
It is highly recommended for diarrhea sufferers to drink more to avoid becoming dehydrated. You can choose to drink water or fruit juice. You can also eat chicken soup or other vegetable soup.

2. Drink ORS
Drinking ORS has long been known to help treat diarrhea naturally, and can be made at home. To do this, dissolve 6 teaspoons of granulated sugar and ½ teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Drink this solution every 4-6 hours to retain body fluid reserves through salt, while the sugar helps the body absorb the dissolved salt.

3. You can do the BRAT Diet
BRAT is banana, rice, apple sauce and toast. These foods have high protein content and are rich in fiber. That way, it can help relieve diarrhea problems in children.

4. Consume foods rich in probiotics
Probiotics can be obtained from fortified milk and fermented milk products such as cheese and yogurt.

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5. Drink ginger tea
Ginger is a type of rhizome that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-pain properties. This rhizome is considered one of the best medicines for treating diarrhea naturally. The method is to simply boil crushed ginger in water until it boils and then drink the water.

General Symptoms
Usually, there are general symptoms of diarrhea in children. Among them, the frequency of defecation is more frequent than in normal circumstances, namely three times a day or more. Your little one looks tired after defecating.

The stool produced is more abundant and looks softer and runny, and sometimes there is blood in the stool. Usually there is also pain or cramps in the stomach.

Then, nausea and vomiting accompanied by high fever. Your little one will usually lose their appetite and also feel constantly thirsty and their body will look lethargic due to lack of fluids due to dehydration.

Then. The crown looks sunken, the eyes are dry when crying, the mouth is dry, and the eyes look sunken.***

2023-09-21 04:20:00
#Treat #Diarrhea #Children #Naturally #Recognize #Common #Symptoms #Diarrhea #Koran #Gala

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