A new study published in the scientific journal eClinicalMedicine confirms that an innovative natural supplement developed at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) in Ontario, Canada – Canada’s largest mental health center – prevents postmenopausal melancholia and reduces symptoms of postpartum depression during the six months after delivery birth.
Postpartum melancholy and depression
Up to 8 out of 10 new mothers experience it midwifery melancholy (postpartum or baby blues) which is characterized by mood swings, emotional outbursts, anxiety and sleep problems. Puerperal melancholia usually occurs within the first few days after birth and lasts no more than two weeks. However, it significantly increases the risk postpartum depressiona serious mental illness that affects 13% of new mothers.
Postpartum depression has serious consequences for women as well as for health systems: it significantly reduces the quality of life, increases the risk of future depressive episodes and suicide and has an impact on the children of the women who experience it as it is associated with cognitive and emotional problems. Until now there have been no effective options for preventing both postpartum depression and postpartum depression.
The clinical trial
This option is now offered by Canadian researchers, as emerged from their new study which presents the results of a clinical trial that “ran” from January 2019 to December 2022 in more than 100 lechos. Some of the participants received four doses of the natural supplement over several days after giving birth while a second group received a dummy supplement.
Positive results in 2/3 of women
As it turned out, in the supplement group, two-thirds of the women (66%) either showed no symptoms at all or showed negligible symptoms of postpartum depression. In addition, within six months of giving birth, the women who received the supplement showed fewer symptoms of depression—none even reached the clinical threshold for postpartum depression.
Prevention of depressive symptoms
CAMH researcher Dr. Jeffrey Meyer holds in his hands the “child” of his research, the first clinically proven natural supplement to prevent postpartum depression and defeat postpartum depression. CREDIT: CAMH
“Globally, 140 million births take place every year. Most new mothers experience puerperal blues, which, when severe, increases the likelihood of postpartum depression by at least four times. Our study showed that both rates of postpartum depression and depressive symptoms were reduced in women who received the supplement,” said Dr. Jeffrey Meyer, “father” of nutritional supplementation and lead author of the new study, and added that “providing this specialized nutritional boost to women in the first days after giving birth is a critical ‘window of time’ to prevent the onset of depressive symptoms.” This fact is extremely important given that there is a significant risk that women with postpartum depression will experience relapses and ultimately struggle with depression for life.”
The role of MAO-A protein
Dr. Meyer has been studying postpartum depression for more than 15 years. His previous imaging research had shown that levels of a protein called MAO-A increase greatly in the brains of women after childbirth – this protein removes brain chemicals such as serotonin and the dopamine which are “regulators” of the mood. It also acts as an oxidant molecule linked to growth and development mental illnesses.
Combination of natural ingredients
To defeat these negative effects, the nutritional supplement of the Canadian researchers contains a patented unique combination of natural ingredients such as blueberry extract which contains antioxidants as well as amino acids which restore the levels of vital brain neurochemicals enhancing mood and the ability to concentrate in stressful conditions.
Does not affect breast milk
The supplement was well tolerated, as demonstrated by the clinical trial, and women who took it reported fewer depressive symptoms, in part because they felt less sleepy as well as headaches and nervousness. The researchers also showed that the amino acids in the supplement did not affect their total concentration in breast milk, which is expected since it is amino acids which are located anyway on proteins of breast milk.
Today in the US market
CAMH has partnered with major supplement and drug company Exeltis to market the product under the trade name Blues Away. The supplement is expected to be released today, April 11, in the American market, while its release procedures are underway in other countries around the world.
Better care for women after childbirth

The Greek specialist in mental health, one of the most important experts in this field in Canada and vice-president of Research at CAMH Dr. Aristotelis Voineskos.
As mentioned by the vice president of Research of CAMH dr Aristotle Voinescos, a Greek scientist who is considered among the most important young mental health experts in Canada, “two big pillars of our approach at CAMH to research are the importance of integrating scientific findings into the advancement of mental health care as well as the value of early intervention. Through the persistence and dedication of our researchers, this innovative preventive treatment can contribute to better care for women after childbirth and help women around the world avoid more serious and chronic mental health problems.”
#Natural #nutritional #supplement #defeats #postpartum #depression