AYOSEMARANG.COM — Kidney stones and urinary stones are diseases caused by crystallization that occurs in the kidneys or in the urinary tract.
For people with kidney stones and bladder stones, they usually feel pain in the waist to feel pain when urinating and bleeding.
However, for people with urinary stones and kidney stones, there is no need to worry anymore. Because the wild leaves that can be found in front of the house are very efficacious as a medicine for this disease.
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Kidney stones are a disease caused by the formation of crystals that occur in the kidneys due to the high levels of crystal-forming chemicals in the urine.
Not much different, bladder stones or also known as bladder stones are also crystallization that occurs due to crystal-forming chemicals. The difference is, urinary stones occur in the urinary tract or in the bladder.
An unhealthy lifestyle, such as frequently consuming foods and drinks that are high in salt and sugar can be the cause of this disease.
Some of the symptoms that occur in sufferers of both diseases are:
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– Pain in the lower abdomen or waist that does not go away
– Urine changes color from red to brown
-There is blood when urinating
-Pain when urinating
– Urine smells bad
– Accompanied by chills or fever
– Urine that comes out little or is difficult to urinate
-To treat this disease, usually sufferers can take kidney stone decay medication, but if it is difficult to get kidney stone medicine, it turns out that this plant is believed to be an alternative to -cure the disease.
The leaves in question are tempuyung leaves. This leaf, which has the scientific name Sonchus Arvensis, is a wild plant that has proven to be effective and has been widely used in the world of herbal medicine.
Read Also: Danger! Frequent consumption of soft drinks increases the risk of kidney stones
Tempuyung plants grow a lot on the side of the road and in the yard. The leaves are oval with a sharp tip and greenish in color.
Tempuyung can grow to a height of 150 cm and has a soft, hairy stem.
2023-05-29 23:37:00
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