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NATO’s Shocking Plan Revealed in Russia-Ukraine Conflict – News Update May 5th, 2024

[Naidheachdan New Tang Dynasty, àm Beijing, 5 Cèitean, 2024]Hello everyone, welcome to “Current Issues Gold Scan”. I’m Jin Ran. We need your support, please subscribe to our channel, your likes and comments can help us.

Today’s focus: The situation of the war between Russia and Ukraine has changed dramatically, NATO Ukraine secretly planned a terrible strike plan; Putin planned a blitzkrieg against the three Baltic countries; The Bradley tank showed its power, and the F-16 fighter jet arrived.

The situation of the war between Russia and Ukraine has changed a lot, and NATO’s policy towards Ukraine has gone through a big change.

As soon as May rolled in, the situation on the Russia-Ukraine battlefield began to change. Although the Russian army deployed 40,000 troops on the eastern front of Ukraine, the Russian army, which had been preparing for a major offensive, suddenly halted its large-scale active offensive as no. large amount of weapons and ammunition from the United States. into Ukraine continuously. The news that was published shows that NATO’s policy towards Ukraine has undergone a major change.

On May 2, British Foreign Secretary Cameron came to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, to attend an event that was once the Prime Minister of Great Britain. The United Kingdom and Ukraine have signed an agreement, promising to help Ukraine for 10 years in a row The specific content is: help Ukraine regain its territory and prevent Russia from making new attacks. The agreement states that the UK will not only help Ukraine win the war, but will ultimately be responsible for Russia paying war reparations to Ukraine. Cameron said that the UK will give 3 billion pounds of military aid to Ukraine every year until Ukraine wins.

The most surprising thing is that the UK, as an important member of NATO, has made it clear for the first time that Ukraine has the right to use weapons supplied by the UK to attack targets in Russia. This is tantamount to symbolic progress, which means that NATO has crossed its own baseline and started helping Ukraine to carry out offensive strikes.

Not only that, recently, some media revealed that Ukraine and NATO are planning an amazing plan, which will give Putin a big psychological blow once it is implemented.

Sources revealed that Britain’s MI6 and NATO are discussing with the Ukrainian military to put together a plan to destroy the Crimean Bridge in May. I thought it was baseless rumours, but on Friday a Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman publicly warned the United States, Great Britain and Belgium that any attack on Crimea would be retaliated against. This is equivalent to confirming this rumour.

You know, the Crimean Peninsula, which was once a Ukrainian territory, was occupied by Russia in 2014. After that, Putin ordered the construction of the Crimean Bridge connecting the Russian mainland and the Crimean Peninsula. In May 2018, the 18.1-kilometer-long Crimean Bridge was completed, making it the longest bridge in Europe. Putin personally drove a large truck over the bridge to mark its opening. Not only that, as a dual-purpose railway and highway bridge, when the railway bridge was partially opened to traffic in 2019, Putin took the first train that passed through the Crimea Bridge. This shows how important this bridge is to Putin.

There may be another story that not many people know: As early as the time of the Tsar, Tsarist Russia had built this bridge at that time, it was named as: Kech Strait Bridge. Putin’s desire has always been to restore the so-called glory of the Tsarist era of Russia. Therefore, the destruction of the Crimean bridge is equivalent to seriously damaging Putin’s dream.

Some say that if Ukraine had voluntarily given up its eastern territories early on, it would not have allowed the war to continue until now. Historically, you will find a fact that no one can deny from the beginning, Russia continued to use force to expand from a country with a small area of ​​land. under Putin’s rule, this expansionist goal will only become more urgent.

Putin betraying the three Baltic countries?

On Friday, Vadym Skibitsky, the deputy director of the military intelligence service of Ukraine, revealed a shocking news to the famous British magazine “The Economist”. It is not only the country of Ukraine that Putin is betraying. If the Russian army launches an attack, it will take over the Baltic countries within 7 days With the current situation of NATO, it will take 10 days to make a military response. In other words, once Putin launches a blitzkrieg, the strategic depth and military strength of the three countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will not be able to resist for 7 days when the Russian army is completely involved, NATO is not ready to intervene militarily.

The three Baltic countries are reported to have begun to heavily fortify their borders with Russia.

Someone might notice, how can Russia attack from the other side of Lithuania? That is because Russia has a small enclave that is not in Russia itself, namely the Kaliningrad Oblast in Russia, west of Lithuania. It was originally a German territory, but was given to the Soviet Union after World War II. Today, the headquarters of the Russian Baltic Fleet is located there.

But, having said that, when the Russian army invaded Ukraine, Putin publicly said “I can capture Kiev in two weeks if I want to.” Now two years later, Putin’s “special military operation” has become a “specialization.” “Now, once a large amount of military aid arrives from the United States, it is more likely to be a “short-lived military operation.”

The new barracks of the Russian army were bombed and hundreds of people were killed by American tanks that showed their power on the battlefield.

Recently, the rockets of the Ukrainian army, which have not been seen for several days, have started to appear again.

Under heavy firepower, the military training center in the rear of the Russian army turned into a Shura field. On May 1, the Ukrainian army used three tactical missiles of the Army provided by the United States to attack a large Russian training camp in the Luhansk region more than 85 kilometers away from the front line.

It can be seen from the video that these three tactical missiles were carrying cluster bombs and covered three nearby playgrounds where a large number of Russian soldiers were training, according to Russian media reports, more than 100 soldiers were killed. killed and injured countless more.

On the Russia-Ukraine front line, the Ukrainian army began to organize a counter-attack after experiencing the shame of being passively beaten in the previous phase. This time the US support included a large number of Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, with the first batch of 186 vehicles provided The latest video released by Ukraine showed that the fire US-made M2A2 Bradley fighting vehicle of the Ukrainian army 25mm machine gun. gun into the air, destroying a Russian armored vehicle on the spot.

If we were to say who stood out as a battle star in the war between Russia and Ukraine, it is estimated that everyone would agree that it was an attack drone. Recently, Ukraine announced that it will create an all-female drone force and will continue to upgrade new drones of various categories. On May 3, the Uzbek Army also demonstrated a new bomb drone that includes AI technology Pay attention to the drone in front of the operator’s head.

If you want to prove the power of the Ukrainian army’s attack drones, no one has a better voice than the Russian frontline soldiers Recently, a Russian soldier asked for more guns to fight the Ukrainian army’s drones, he said he was physically and mentally exhausted by these drones.

It’s not that Russian soldiers are being hit by drones. which was already in stock during the First World War. In my opinion, this type of machine gun should be in a museum.

The latest news: A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force said: F-16 fighter jets may appear in the skies of Ukraine after Orthodox Easter, which is May 5. The first batch of F-16 pilots trained for Ukraine has returned home, and on May 3, news broke that Zelensky personally went to the western border to welcome a batch of new weapons.

War is so cruel, and perhaps the thing most people love about war is the hope that can still be seen in the ruins. At the end of the program, I will tell you a story about a little girl: In May 2022, the seven-year-old Ukrainian girl Sasha was buried under the rubble as a result of Russian bombing. She was rescued after an injury, , one had to of her legs was amputated, and after a year of recovery, little Sasha was competing in a dance competition with a prosthetic leg.

In my opinion: life is so precious.

Ok, that’s it for now “Jiji Jin Scan”. We need your support. Likes and comments can help us. I’ll see you next time.

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(Editor: Li Hong)

#Sgan #Cùisean #andràstaThe #situation #RussiaUkraine #war #changed #significantly #NATOs #policy #Ukraine #changed #F16 #war #Russia #Ukraine
2024-05-05 12:33:00

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