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NATO Urged to Provide More Patriot Defense Systems to Ukraine; Calls for Faster Action

– We had a Nordic-Baltic breakfast this morning. It is no secret that in that circle we think NATO should work even faster, says Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide (Ap).

He is in Brussels to attend the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba was also invited there on Thursday, when NATO also marked its 75th birthday.

On his way into a meeting of the NATO/Ukraine Council, Kuleba pleaded with NATO countries to give them more Patriot defense systems.

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The bombs are raining over Ukraine

– I don’t want to spoil the party. But my main message today is Patriots,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said as he arrived at NATO headquarters shortly after the defense alliance’s 75th anniversary celebrations on Thursday.

Recently, Russia has rained bombs, missiles and drones on Ukraine. At the same time, Ukraine has been sounding the alarm for a long time that they lack both ammunition and air defense.

On the night of Thursday, four people were killed in Kharkiv in a massive drone attack. Three rescue workers are among those killed.

In addition, the electricity supply has been cut off in large parts of Ukraine’s second largest city.

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– Political will

In an interview with Reuters Kuleba points out that NATO countries have more than 100 Patriot systems in stock, but that they have not even been willing to give Ukraine five to seven of them, which is considered a minimum.

– This is just a question of political will. The solution is there, he says and warns that if Ukraine loses the war, Russia may turn against European countries.

The American Patriot system is considered to be the best at knocking out ballistic missiles.

– Saving Ukrainian lives, our economy and our cities depends on us getting Patriot and other air defense systems, says Kuleba.

– It is incomprehensible why allies cannot send air defense where ballistic missiles are fired every day.


Barth Eide believes that it is a real dilemma for many countries how much they want to drain their own reserves to help Ukraine.

– In different countries there is a different degree of willingness. Norway belongs to those who have gone quite far. But then there are some countries that keep a little more and want to keep a larger stock even for future cases. And that discussion is going on here as well now, he says to NTB.

Eide also points out that both NATO and the EU are trying to speed up arms production.

– It is better than it was, but it is worse than it should have been, he notes.

On Thursday there is a meeting of the NATO/Ukraine Council. It remains to be seen whether any NATO countries there will make new promises of arms to Ukraine.

– Paradox

In the United States, an aid package for Ukraine of 66 billion dollars has been stuck in Congress for almost half a year, helped by Trump-loyal Republicans.

At the same time, the US continues to send weapons to Israel. It is a paradox, believes Eide.

– Part of what they supply Israel with is air defense systems that Ukraine could well have used by now. That is part of the reason why it is important that the rest of us contribute quickly now while we wait for the Americans.

– But I think it is a paradox that Israel continues to get weapons when Ukraine does not get weapons, says the foreign minister.

But both the Biden administration and many Republicans would like to see the Ukraine package through, he adds.

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I think Stoltenberg can succeed

Eide also believes that Stoltenberg can succeed in getting all the countries on board with the new plan that NATO will henceforth coordinate support for Ukraine.

The plans include that voluntary and short-term support is to be replaced by a long-term, multi-year fund into which all countries must pay.

The hope is that the plan can be adopted at the summit in July.

– It is important that the summit ends with an agreement on something for Ukraine. And I think this plan is something that can be agreed upon. I think I should go, says Eide.

He refers to signals from Hungary that they will not stand in the way.

– It helps us to believe that this will actually become something.

– Do you think there will be a fund of 100 billion euros?

– It is important that this does not become a sleeping pad. It is a good goal, but in the trenches in Ukraine it is actually weapons and not promises that decide.

Looking for Air Defense

NATO countries promise to search their stockpiles with lights and lanterns for more air defense for Ukraine.

This is stated by NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg at a press conference on Thursday after a two-day meeting of foreign ministers.

Also met there was Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, who begged Nato for more anti-aircraft fire, especially the Patriot air defense system.

– Allies understand the urgency, especially when it comes to air defence. Several allies have promised to check their stocks, says Stoltenberg.

According to Stoltenberg, during the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting, there have been several promises of arms aid to Ukraine.

Among other things, Germany has set aside 600 million euros, about NOK 7 billion, the United Kingdom will provide 10,000 drones, while France will send several tanks.


2024-04-04 15:51:37
#Barth #Eide #NATO #working #slowly #Ukraine

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