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NATO agrees on a new master plan to deter the Russian threat

NATO Defense ministers agreed on Thursday on a new master plan to defend against any possible Russian attack on a number of fronts, reaffirming the alliance’s overarching goal of deterring Moscow from aggression.

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The aim of the covert strategy is to prepare for any simultaneous attack in the Baltic and Black Sea regions, which could include nuclear weapons, hacking of computer networks and attacks from space.

“We continue to strengthen our alliance with better and more modern plans,” NATO Secretary General said after the meeting. Jenss Stoltenbergs. The meeting also agreed to allocate one billion dollars for start-up funding for the development of new digital technologies.

Officials have stressed that they do not consider a possible Russian attack to be imminent. Moscow, meanwhile, denies any aggressive intentions and argues that it is NATO that risks destabilizing Europe.

However, diplomats say the “Concept of Detention and Protection in the Euro-Atlantic Area” and its Strategic Implementation Plan are necessary as Russia develops modern weapons systems and deploys troops closer to NATO’s borders.

“This is a form of deterrence,” German Defense Minister Annegrett Kramp-Karenbauer said of the new plan.

“And this is being adapted to Russia’s current behavior – and we are seeing violations in the airspace above the Baltic states in particular, but also (..) over the Black Sea,” the minister told Deutschlandfunk radio.

The approval allows for more detailed regional plans by the end of 2022, allowing NATO to decide what additional weapons are needed and how to deploy its forces, a US official said.

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