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Nationwide corona incidence falls below 500

The RKI reports 3,350 new infections with the corona virus within 24 hours. The incidence is also falling. However, the figures are likely to be incomplete.

The nationwide seven-day incidence of new corona infections has fallen below 500. The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) gave the value on Monday morning as 499.2. On Sunday the incidence was 514.0, compared to 639.5 a week ago. The value quantifies the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants over a period of seven days.

As the RKI further announced on Monday, citing data from the health authorities, the number of new infections reported within 24 hours was 3,350, after 8,488 the day before and 4,032 a week ago. The total number of cases of infection recorded in Germany since the beginning of the corona pandemic has increased to 25,299,300.



Some federal states do not report at the weekend

According to the RKI, five more deaths related to the corona virus were registered within 24 hours. The total number of corona deaths recorded in Germany rose to 136,538.

However, the reported figures are likely to be incomplete. Many federal states do not report at all or not completely to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) at the weekend. The figures published on Sunday and Monday are therefore very limited in their significance.

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