The national Tuteur received the OK from ANMAT for your first batch of flu vaccines from campaign 2024. It’s about the tetravalent GC Flu which was presented last year.
Hoy wednesday March 13thit came to him the endorsement from ANMAT to the anti-flu vaccine of the national tutor. It’s about the tetravalente GC Fluwhich It was presented last year, and after a agreement with the South Korean GC Biopharma. Ver tutor lanza GC flu
In turn, today also a new game was added also tetravalent Influvac Tetra from norteamericana Abbott. Both to be commercialized in it private channel.
sothat according the Pharmabiz reliefat the moment there is 11 lots approved to be sold in pharmacies and vaccination centers. They are also Afluria Quad y Flucelvax Quad; from the Australian Seqirus, the Fluarix Tetra from British GSKand the 4 Flu from national synergium.
In parallel, they coexist nine lots of trivalent vaccines for your application in it public circuit. Is about cinco national lots Sinergium Biotech, two of them in its pediatric versiony four from North-American Abbott. See ANMAT
2024-03-14 00:01:58
#Tuteur #adds #flu #vaccines