Zsófia Kundlya, the leader of the Dunakeszi Cheerleader Team, was approached in the fall of 2023 by Andrea Horthy, the head of the mentoring program of the National Circus Arts Center, to say that she was interested in the sport of cheerleading and Zsófia’s teams, as their shows are not far from circus acrobatics.
After that, he was invited to the Csodaláda presentation in December, and after the fantastic performance, Péter Fekete, the general director of the Budapest Great Circus, presented the details of the mentoring program, in the framework of which they are looking for talented children who are interested in the world of the circus, would like to try their hand at the artist training school, or even just they would take a look at the rehearsals of a show or behind the scenes of a performance.
This year’s 5th Cheerleader Gala will not only be memorable because of the many cheerleading performances, but Zsófia also had the honor of selecting her team for the program and was able to receive a plaque from Andrea.
Congratulations and we wish you much success in your cooperation!