Home » today » Health » National strike for Nurses, Midwives and Health Professions: FIALS revokes everything for the Covid-19 Pandemic. – AssoCareNews.it

National strike for Nurses, Midwives and Health Professions: FIALS revokes everything for the Covid-19 Pandemic. – AssoCareNews.it

FIALS has just lifted the national strike of the Health Section scheduled for December 4, 2020. The state of unrest remains. Salary increases and professional recognition are being asked.

The National FIALS Secretariat met today urgently, with a high sense of responsibility, it revoked the strike of the staff of the public health sector proclaimed for the whole day of 4 December 2020.

The decision came immediately after yesterday’s appeal by political forces to health unions on the need for a common dialogue to bring out the enhancement of health professionals with the 2021 budget law under discussion in the Chamber of Deputies.

The appeal of the political forces follows that of the Head of State, who called, in this particular period of pandemic emergency, to the institutions to develop a dialogue with the social forces.

Our strong determination to the general strike was generated, among other things, by the government’s insensitivity to enhancing, with the 2021 budget law, all the health and social health professions.

Today we see how our requests for changes to the maneuver find not only attention in various majority political forces and presented as amendments to the 2021 budget law but also the immediate availability for specific meetings with the FIALS.

However, the state of agitation of all the staff of the public health sector remains, to obtain additional resources and decent and tax-free increases with the renewal of the employment contract, for the recognition of the exclusivity allowance and freelance activity for all health professions and social, in addition to specific allowances for all health care operators with reasonable amounts certainly not comparable to the 2 euros per day offered to nurses.

Our requests, with this budget law, go towards an extraordinary plan of hiring in health care, with permanent contracts, fight against precariousness and further stabilization, extension of existing fixed-term employment contracts, and better safety of operators health workers engaged in facing the pandemic emergency in progress with greater and adequate PPE.

We will never give up. We will make our state of agitation felt and weighed throughout the parliamentary process of the financial maneuver.

We thank, with heartfelt sensitivity, the thousands of employees who had already expressed their willingness to join our strike, convinced that they will appreciate and share the sense of responsibility that resulted in the withdrawal of the strike which will certainly guarantee the best health care for citizens in the serious period. pandemic emergency.

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