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National SP feud about Rotterdam uprising fought behind closed doors | Politics

The lingering party quarrel about SP participation in the Rotterdam municipal elections was settled behind closed doors at the party council in Amersfoort.

For fear of reporting on the internal conflict and the fear that SP members would not speak out, the door in Amersfoort was locked. A motion of censure against the party leadership failed, a party spokesperson said. The party council did, however, support the line that work should be done on better mutual relations and new statutes.

The cause of the party quarrel lies in the actions of the party board, which went against the wish of the Rotterdam local SP branch not to participate in the municipal elections of March this year. The national party board pushed through participation.

Expelled members

The internal appeals committee condemns the party board for ‘ignoring democratic rules and decisions made democratically’. The appeals committee considers the opposition of the people of Rotterdam to participating in those elections to be justified.

The chaos arose when the national SP Rotterdam members expelledbecause they were members or involved in the youth organization Red -disbanded by the party leadership- or the Marxist Forum. The Rotterdam department refused to remove expelled members from the list of candidates for council elections† The national party board took over local power and pushed through participation with a ‘cleaned’ alternative list. The department resisted and the SP took one seat in Rotterdam.

Crisis of authority

At the party council on Saturday, the SP party board crossed swords with 26 armored SP members about the biggest crisis of authority of the party board to date.

The group of 26 that protested against the national party leadership was characterized by the appeals committee as loyal members who have been active for the SP for a very long time. She condemns the party leadership’s qualification that they are ‘squawkers’. The party council decided on Saturday that the party board and the 26 members must work to restore mutual trust and that the statutes must be amended.

A motion of censure by eight departments against the SP party leadership was rejected, and the party council also refused to identify a guilty party. The advice of the appeals committee had previously been adopted by the party board and was also adopted by a large majority by the party council.

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