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National situation: terrorism, so many attacks so many victorious responses

The fight against armed terrorist groups is recording indisputable results. Which is good for morale and nourishes the hope of seeing the end of the tunnel in this fight. However, some attacks by the forces of evil, more or less deadly, serve as a reminder that the war is not yet won.

Last weekend was not easy for the fighting forces. This was the decision of the evil forces who intensified terrorist attacks, simultaneously and in several locations across the country. Particularly in the North, the Center-North, the Sahel and the East. Fortunately, the defense and security forces and the Volunteers for the Defense of the Fatherland responded with the necessary response, based on the affront made to them by these madmen.
These terrorist attacks, some of which have been described as “large-scale”, remind us once again that the fight to regain territorial integrity and secure our country has not yet been won. Even if many efforts are made on the ground. Independence and sovereignty have a price to pay. We have to pay for it. The fight will be long. The enemy can make our boys doubt at times. But we must remain focused on the objectives we want to achieve for our country and for future generations.
Indeed, at the time when the heads of state of ECOWAS member countries were meeting in Abuja, Nigeria, these “death madmen” chose to attack several positions of our fighting forces in several localities. The coincidence is still quite disturbing even though we should not necessarily link the two facts. This is especially true since armed terrorist groups have always taken advantage of opportunities to carry out their operations.
In another reading, these attacks also show in the eyes of international opinion, and especially to the heads of state of the ECECAO, that if for a long time the latter has not really played its role of assisting countries members, it is time to do it. Because it cannot have been created for the people and remain insensitive while the same people are persecuted, pillaged, killed or driven from their homes.
In all cases, Burkina Faso, as well as Mali and Niger, have taken their responsibilities. By pooling their forces within the Alliance of Sahel States. Whose primary objective is the fight against terrorism. Moreover, these countries have always supported the commitment of their respective peoples to lead the fight against all adversity, wherever it comes from, by themselves and for themselves. ECOWAS will then only come in support. But not as the main actor. The member states of the AES still need to accept its outstretched hand.
In Burkina Faso, in any case, the fighting forces, land and air, do the job well and cleanly. These are the ones who go on the offensive. And even when they are attacked, they fight back vigorously and victoriously. The pressure is strong and permanent on armed terrorist groups. Fear has therefore changed sides. In certain circles, we do not hesitate to say that the end of the war is not for long. So much the better ! So be it.

Series Aymard BOGNINI

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