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National Prevention Week “Chequéate Perú” Promotes Health Services and Dengue Prevention Measures in Madre de Dios

As of today, Monday May 15, until Sunday May 21, the Ministry of Health established the National Prevention Week “Chequéate Perú”, in order to promote a set of health care services to identify diseases in an early stage, avoiding overcrowding in hospitals. Madre de Dios was no stranger to this campaign, nor to the dengue prevention campaign, which involves her possible vaccine.

Regarding the latter, the regional director of Health, Jorge Luis Ascencios Rivera, assured that Madre de Dios, unlike the north, has controlled the disease, highlighting that focal control and fumigation work on 20,000 homes was ordered weeks ago.

Ascencios also spoke of the possibility of having a vaccine against dengue, detailing that it was created at the Pasteur Institute, in Paris (France), and that, like COVID-19, it consists of at least three doses and has with the objective of attenuating the symptoms of the disease. He also calculated that it will be possible to have it within four or five years.

“Dengue is endemic in Madre de Dios. In 18 weeks we have had 1,350 cases and one death. And 10% of these patients who are positive have alarm signs, staying in health centers for permanent observation, ”she said.

As for the “Chequáte Perú” campaign, Ascencios said that it only seeks to institutionalize itself, but that the latent motive in the health sector is not to allow the overflow of its attention capacity, as happened in the towns of Milenio, Jorge Chávez or La Jewel.

Yula Rojas Vega, who participated in the press conference that promoted “Chequéate Perú”, specified that they will promote interventions such as hemoglobin screening, cervical, prostate or colon cancer.

Rojas Vega also said that “for people with disabilities we have the CONADIS council, with whom we have been coordinating to intervene.”

2023-05-15 12:05:37
#Preventive #health #checks #dengue #vaccine #addressed #Diresa

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