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National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo Transfers 11 High-Ranking Officers: Full List and Details

National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo transferred the positions of 11 high-ranking officers (pati) and middle officers (pamen) of the National Police. Photo/SINDOnews

JAKARTA – National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo do mutation positions for 11 high-ranking officers (pati) and middle-ranking officers (pamen) of the National Police. Among them are the Gorontalo Regional Police Chief Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol, and the Director of Intelligence (Dirintel) Densus 88 AT Polri.

The mutation is stated in the National Police Chief’s Telegram Letter number ST/429/II/KEP./2024 dated February 28 2024.

Also read: 6 Youngest Police Inspector Generals Serving at National Police Headquarters, Number 5 Has Been Regional Police Chief 2 Times

“It is true that there has been a telegram regarding transfers, namely there are several names. Of course, conceptually, mutation is a tour of duty, career development and then becomes part of organizational development to improve services to the community today,” said Truno when met at The Tribrata Darmawangsa, South Jakarta , Thursday (29/2/2024).

In the telegram letter, Inspector General Angesta Romano Yoyol was transferred from the position of Gorontalo Regional Police Chief to Gorontalo Regional Police Chief in preparation for retirement. His position was replaced by Brigadier General Pudji Prasetijanto Hadi, who previously held the position of Deputy Chief of Gorontalo Regional Police.

The National Police Chief then transferred the Director of Special Detachment 88 AT Police Brigadier General Simson Zet Ringu as Deputy Chief of Gorontalo Regional Police.

The following is a complete list of 11 Pati and Pamen Polri who were transferred:

1. Gorontalo Regional Police Chief, Inspector General Pol Angesta Romano Yoyol, was transferred to Gorontalo Regional Police Chief (in order to retire)

2024-02-29 07:08:16

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