Home » News » National Police Chief Commends Heroic Action of Bripda Novandro to Save Bus – Video Call Conversation Goes Viral

National Police Chief Commends Heroic Action of Bripda Novandro to Save Bus – Video Call Conversation Goes Viral


National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo talks with Bripda Novandro, a member of the West Kalimantan Kubu Raya Police Traffic Unit. The National Police Chief praised Novandro’s heroic action in being willing to sacrifice his motorbike for the safety of the community.

Video of the conversation between the National Police Chief and Novandro via video call which was uploaded via social media X, previously Twitter, Friday (5/1/2024) evening. Sigit wanted to hear directly how Novandro took action to save the bus which failed to climb and was going backwards.

“I happened to see on social media something viral about what Bripda Novandro did. I want to hear the story directly,” asked the National Police Chief.

Novandro said that the action to secure the bus which was experiencing technical problems was carried out together with his senior, Bripka Isa. Initially the bus was stalling and reversing freely. Meanwhile, behind him there are still other road users.

“It happened on December 30 2023. At that time, Bripka Isa contacted me via HT that a bus had broken down on the Kapuas 2 toll bridge. My senior and I made arrangements to clear up the traffic jam and carried out an evacuation behind the bus,” answered Novandro.

“However, at that time the bus started to slowly reverse, we immediately took our motorbikes to immediately make an emergency evacuation to evacuate the people behind the bus,” said Novandro.

Novandro and his seniors took the initiative to lay their Nmax motorbike right behind the bus tire. Novandro’s responsive action deserves a thumbs up because it succeeded in stopping the bus. As a result, consecutive accidents can be avoided.

“Then we saw the bus starting to roll freely, so we took the initiative to block the bus, with my motorbike and Bripka Isa, my senior.”

“It is possible that the bus will hit a truck and fuel tank which will cause an explosion and cause many fatalities,” he explained again.

The National Police Chief then asked about Bripda Novandro’s initiative in blocking the bus from going uphill with his motorbike. Novandro believes that only with his motorbike can the bus stop moving.

“I want to know what came to mind at that time and then suddenly took the initiative to block the speed of the bus with a motorbike?” asked General Sigit.

“So at that time there were still lots of vehicles behind our bus and if we used our hands to block the bus it could have been crushed for sure. So we took the initiative and took our motorbike which was stuck behind the bus. Thank God the bus was able to stop,” said Novandro.

Sigit then asked if Bripda Novandro didn’t love his motorbike. Novandro replied that he was more concerned about the lives of the people who were in danger behind the bus.

“You don’t love your motorbike, do you?” he asked.

“Ready, dear general. But I care more about the lives of the people behind the bus,” answered Novandro.

It is known that Novandro’s attitude has received appreciation from the National Police Chief. For his heroic action, he got an Nmax motorbike that was exactly the same as the one he had before.

“I think the steps taken are very good and I know that the motorbike is Andro’s only motorbike, yes, but to save many people you are willing to sacrifice your motorbike. Actions like that to save other people continue to be guarded and maintained,” explained Sigit.

Watch the video “Current situation at the National Police Chief’s official residence after being attacked by a man”


2024-01-06 03:30:19

#National #Police #Chief #Police #Motorbike #Bus #Block #Dont #Love #Motorbike

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