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National Narcotics Agency Responds to Drug Bunker Discovery at University in Indonesia


National Narcotics Agency (BNN) also responded to the discovery of a drug bunker that had stored 3 kilograms of methamphetamine complete with records of the sale and purchase transactions at Makassar State University (UNM), Makassar, South Sulawesi (Sulsel). He said that the prevalence rate on campus was quite high.

“I have said that the prevalence rate is quite high for campuses. Students and students from 2019 were only 1.10, then rose to 1.35. Even though it is still below the national prevalence of 1.95%, it is already and moreover the world prevalence is 5 .5%,” said Head of BNN Komjen Petrus Reinhard Golose, told reporters at the Immanuel Church, Central Jakarta, Saturday (10/6/2023).

One of the proofs is that when his party visits campus, there are always those who have used drugs. That is the task at this time to minimize drug trafficking.

“It has been shown that in every tour of my campus, every time I ask, not the majority, but many have used it. Now that is our job, our job is to minimize the illicit traffic of narcotics,” he said.

Reinhard explained the ways he would do to prevent something like this from happening. So far, his party has tried various ways to stop the rate of drug trafficking.

“Yes, the prevention methods that we are doing are like now, not only on campus. There is already a program at village family resilience schools that shines clean of drugs. But we also bring together the interfaith community together,” he said.

The approach taken to stop drug trafficking is using soft power. For the hard power approach, his party has made various arrests.

“Hard power is by catching what we have caught up to now, it has been 5.9 tons in the last 2 years. It’s a lot, but we do this in a balance between soft power and hard power,” he explained.

One way to do this is by holding outreach and discussions like what is currently being held. The National Narcotics Agency together with interfaith young people discussed drug abuse.

“We carry out activities within the framework of one of BNN’s strategies, namely the soft power approach. I see the interest from interfaith youth, there are many opinions that represent the younger generation and I still respect the opinions of young people who will become leaders,” he concluded.


2023-06-10 16:04:25

#Bunker #scene #UNM #BNN #Calls #Drug #Prevalence #Higher #Campus

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