The National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art has transformed into a maze of fear and suspense.
As you walk through domestic and foreign media art works that contain dystopian fantasies of overcoming the pandemic, you will fall into a moment of immersion in which you forget reality.
Reporter Lee Gyo-jun has been there.
Follow the narrow passage to enter the exhibition hall.
Afterimages dimly reflected on the translucent film add subtle tension and eerie atmosphere.
Strange images encountered in the dark.
This is the 3rd exhibition of ‘Watch and Chill’, which the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art has introduced media art works with the world’s leading art museums in the wake of COVID-19.
This exhibition increased immersion by allowing viewers to appreciate media works in a maze-like space.
[한승재 / 푸하하하 건축사무소 소장 : 억지스럽게 공포 분위기를 연출하는 게 아니고 서스펜스가 제가 생각하기로는 어떤 익숙한 맥락에서 벗어났을 때 사람들이 그 환경에 몰입하게 되는 것 같거든요.]
Male and female actors arguing over the interpretation of Dostoyevsky’s masterpiece ‘Crime and Punishment’.
It shows the terrifying moment of conflict over the way of acting and gradually being seized by hatred.
The series of works presented this time sheds light on the conflict and anxiety in virtual reality, allowing us to look back on the reality of plague and disaster.
[이지회 / 국립현대미술관 학예연구사 : 디스토피아 이미지 혹은 최악의 상황에 대한 그런 이미지를 만들면서 그 너머의 다른 세상, 그러니까 디스토피아 이후엔 무엇이 있는가, 그 너머의 세상을 상상하게 하는 그런 작품들로 구성돼 있습니다.]
It is an art hallyu project to meet the audience by overcoming the limitations of non-face-to-face like the pandemic. Anyone can access the work online and enjoy it.
Since the first opening of the online platform in 2021, more than 40,000 people from 108 countries have watched it so far, and it is said that North Korea also accessed it.
This is YTN Lee Gyo-jun.
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