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“National Meteorological Service Predicts Higher Temperatures and Normal to Above Normal Rainfall for Next Quarter”

The next quarter of mayo, June y julio there will be “a greater probability that the temperatures are higher to normal in the Pampas, Litoral, Cuyo and NOA region,” said the National Meteorological Service (SMN).

Through a report, the national body indicated this Friday night that, in addition, in western Patagonia and the extreme north of the country, temperatures can be normal or above normal for this time of year.

As specified, the behavior of rain and temperature can have three possible categories: below normal, normal and above normal. “Without factors that modify the typical atmospheric circulation of the quarter, each category has the same probability of occurrence: 33.3%. But when atmospheric forcing factors act, such as El Niño or La Niña, the planetary circulation changes and the occurrence of any of those categories becomes more or less probable”, affirmed the SMN.

In the May-June-July quarter “there is a greater probability of registering normal or above normal rainfall for the time of year in the provinces of Patagonia, Mendoza, south san john and the west st louis“.

In addition, rains are favored within the average in The Pampa, west and southwest of Buenos Aires, east of st louis, west santa fe, Córdoba, Chaco, Formosa, Santiago del Estero, Tucuman, east of Catamarca, center and east of Salta and the east of Jujuy.

In the west of the NOA and north of Cuyo, no forecast is provided because it is a Dry Season, that is, a period where there is usually little rain.

Regarding the ENSO (The boy – Southern Oscillation), it is currently in its neutral phasethat is to say, without a Boy or a Girl, “but, according to the latest forecasts, in the coming months there is a warming trend in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and to be maintained throughout the year, a Child event may develop“.

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2023-05-06 19:26:01
#Weather #forecast #quarter #June #July #SMN #anticipated #temperatures #normal #central #northern #region #country

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