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National Medical Association Threatens General Strike Over Government Medical Policy

Delivery time2024-02-03 21:03

“If the opinion of the highest expert group, the Medical Association, is excluded, people’s lives will be harmed.”

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[전국광역시도의사회장협의회 제공]

(Seoul = Yonhap News) Reporter Seo Seong-ho = The National Association of Metropolitan and Provincial Medical Associations announced on the 3rd, “If the government unilaterally enforces the essential medical policy package and the increase in the number of medical school seats, we will be willing to go on a general strike together with medical residents.”

The council issued a statement on this day and indicated its intention to strike, saying, “If medical policies are carried out without the opinions of the Korean Medical Association, the highest expert group, it is obvious that the result will directly lead to damage to the lives of all citizens.”

The council urged, “If the government truly wants to save essential and regional medical care and expects future cooperation with the medical community for this purpose, it should hold a thorough discussion on the issue of doctor manpower in the current medical issues consultative body (with the Korea Medical Association).” The government and the Korea Medical Association have held a consultation body on current medical issues a total of 27 times over the past year since January of last year.

The council also claimed, “The government has not discussed at all the scale of the increase in the number of medical school students at the Medical Issues Council, and then suddenly showed an unreasonable behavior by sending an official letter to the Medical Association to request opinions on the scale of the increase.”

The government criticized the essential medical policy package announced on the 1st of this month as “insufficient.”

In order to encourage the influx of doctors into the essential medical field, the government invested more than 10 trillion won to intensively increase the fee (cost for medical services) in the essential medical field and enacted the ‘Medical Accident Handling Special Act’, which exempts prosecution for medical accidents. It was also decided to proceed.

In addition, in order to reduce non-coverage, which is the main culprit in the increase in the burden of medical expenses, we are also promoting a ban on ‘mixed treatment’, which mixes non-coverage and compensation.

The council said, “The ban on uncompensated mixed medical treatment limits the people’s treatment options,” and added, “There is strong anger and anger at efforts to control doctor’s licenses, such as excluding fatal accidents and cosmetic and plastic surgery from special treatment of medical accidents and introducing a license renewal system for private practice.” “I express regret,” he said.

At the same time, he said, “Even now, the government must properly and fully discuss essential medical measures with the Korean Medical Association at the Medical Issues Council,” and emphasized that if the policy is pushed forward as is, a general strike will be launched.

According to the medical community, the Korean Medical Residents’ Association (Daejeon Association) held an emergency representative meeting online the afternoon before to review major government policies and discuss response plans when the medical school expansion scale is announced.

Daejeon Medical Association is considered to be a group of doctors with the greatest impact when the medical community engages in collective action such as a strike. In a survey of medical residents last month, 86% of respondents revealed their intention to take collective action when medical schools are forced to expand. .

In a phone call with Yonhap News, an official from the Korean Medical Association explained, “There has been no formal consultation with residents, but this means that we will act together if the government enforces the policy as it has done so far.”

[email protected]

Report via KakaoTalk okjebo
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2024/02/03 21:03 Sent

2024-02-03 12:03:32
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