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National: Huancayo: Increase in patients with burns on the tongue and esophagus from co

GREAT CARE. Consumption of It has recently spread in Peru due to the coronavirus pandemic, despite warnings from specialists and DIGESA to prevent people from continuing to take the controversial compound, which they described as a ‘bleach’.

So much so that the first consequences of its use can already be seen, such as the increase in patients arriving at hospitals with lesions on the tongue and esophagus, after having followed this ‘recipe’ so recommended on social networks.

LOOK: Mayor of Moche is caught taking chlorine dioxide as ‘water of time’

According to the newspaper Correo, the emergency physician Angela de la Cruz indicated that every two days he is evacuated from the Hospital Daniel Alcides Carrión de Huancayo a patient with serious lesions on the tongue and esophagus from taking chlorine dioxide.

“Chlorine dioxide causes burns to the tongue and gastric mucosa, including poisoning,” he added. She also warned that the majority of those affected assured that they consumed the compound because they heard it on the street or read it on social networks.


He mayor of the city of Moche, located in , has generated great commotion in social networks by taking the controversial chlorine dioxide as if it were water.

In a viralized video on Facebook, whose credit is Alan Cabrera, the mayor is seen Arturo Fernandez inside his car, while a person asked him what he was carrying in the black bag he had next to him.

“I have my chlorine dioxide. It is not totally transparent, it is like a yellowish medium. When the light reaches it, the chemical composition changes and turns white and is useless “says the controversial mayor. “I drink it like water of time”he added.

Ferdández assured that the chemical compound is not harmful and that he learned of its ‘benefits’ in Europe. “I have known this through patients in Europe who are treated or prolong the damage of cancer cells, changes the PH”, he indicated.

Mayor of Moche is caught taking chlorine dioxide as water of time | Macro North Tv

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