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National Guard shoots protester in Los Reyes, Michoacán

National Guard personnel were accused of shooting this afternoon at residents of the municipality of Los Reyes, Michoacán, who were demonstrating for recent disappearances. One of those bullets hit an inhabitant who was riding his motorcycle.

The event occurred in a community of Cerro de Santa Rosa where a group of inhabitants was demonstrating, as well as in other parts of Los Reyes and in the municipalities of Tocumbo and Tingüindín.

At that place, National Guard personnel arrived who confronted the protesters and, according to witnesses, fired shots with assault rifles when they were overtaken by the population.

A day laborer was hit by one of those shots, which hit his left arm, as several videos of the events show.

“They hit one of them. There you can see that the sons of their motherfucking mother are hitting each other. Hold on old man… look at nothing more than a fucking bullet they gave the old man. Cursed whores, daughters of his bitch’s mother. Pure cardboard; we bring pure cardboard”, claims one of the residents, while the rest help the wounded day laborers.

In at least three recordings, the exposed injury is seen on the arm of the adult, who runs along with the other inhabitants and is later transferred by motorcycle to a hospital in the municipal capital.

In other images you can see and hear the fury of the community, after the federal forces personnel shot at them.

Later, a part of the hill in flames can be seen. According to the neighborhood authorities, the fire was the result of a private truck that was set on fire by the shots and then the fire got out of control.

The relatives of victims, as well as residents of that region, decided to raise their sit-ins, for fear of another attack by the National Guard.

The blockades and demonstrations have increased, due to the fact that in recent days a couple of young students have disappeared, as well as a CFE worker and an avocado businessman.

Disappearances that are added to those of other residents or even assassinated, in the so-called “death/danger corridor”, adjacent to the state of Jalisco.

A position was requested from the National Guard on what happened this afternoon and until now, they have not released their version.

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