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National Geographic names Peru as the 2024 Best International Destination

Peru has been awarded as the best international destination in the National Geographic Travel Readers’ Awards 2024. “Traveling to Peru is equivalent to entering a fantastic world,” the prestigious magazine mentions in the note revealing this year’s winners.

For the second consecutive year, our country surpasses Egypt, Colombia, Morocco and Uzbekistan.

The recognition also indicates that our capital, with its varied gastronomic offer, is a good first stop to then discover destinations such as Iquitos, the Huascarán National Park, the Paracas Peninsula, Lake Titicaca, the Colca Canyon or the Nazca Lines. Regarding the Cusco region and the iconic citadel of Machupicchu, he places special emphasis on the fact that “it is worth a trip on its own.”

Added to this prestigious recognition from National Geographic Travel, which highlights the outstanding position of our country in the international tourism field, is the detailed 18-page report published in issue 288 of the magazine. “The magic of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the imposing landscape of the Andes, the majesty of Lake Titicaca and the fabulous enclave of Machu Picchu ensure an experience to remember for life,” is how the fascinating story begins.

This publication invites its readers to immerse themselves in a unique experience in the south of our country starting in the Cusco region. One of the most memorable moments of the trip, according to the author, was witnessing the sunrise in Machupicchu.

“For those who write this, witnessing the moment in which a kind of cosmic magician removes the curtain of clouds and casts the first rays of sun to discover one of the wonders that human beings have been able to create in this world, the truth, It will forever be one of your best memories,” the text reads.

The journey through our country continues in the region of Puno, where first mention is made of the incredible scenic power of the old Sillustani funerary complex and its famous chullpas or funerary towers. Upon reaching Lake Titicaca, the focus shifts to Taquile Island, which is described as an “example of balance between the life of an indigenous community and a sustainable tourism model.”

During his stay in Arequipa, the journalist not only highlights the beauty of the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons on the planet, but also that of its capital, known as the White City.

After a ten-hour road trip from Arequipa to Ica, this story ends in the enigmatic Nasca Lines. This tour of four regions in southern Peru, published in National Geographic Travel, whose audience exceeds 5.5 million people, highlights the tourist wealth of our country and reveals that each region offers a unique experience to immerse yourself in its charm, leaving an impression. unique in those who venture to discover its hidden treasures.

Inbound tourism plays a fundamental role in the country’s economy, as it generates a positive impact on all aspects of the national tourism industry. This economic benefit is not only limited to direct participants in the sector, but also extends to local communities, promoting equitable and sustainable development throughout Peru.

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– 2024-04-22 17:28:06

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