The law promulgated on April 15 creates the National Fund for the coverage of expenses during the hospitalization in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) of patients with covid-19 in the public, private and pension sectors, and the purchase of essential medicines for the treatment.
Its purpose is to guarantee life and avoid catastrophic expenses for patients and their families. According to article 4 of the rule, the beneficiaries will be people residing in the country – it does not discriminate against foreigners – with a diagnosis of covid-19 or its complications, with an indication of admission to the ICU.
The Ministry of Health will establish a list of drugs, supplies, diagnostic studies, any technology and treatment that will be covered by law. It will also establish the maximum daily coverage prices in the private sector and regulate the payment mechanisms. For those with health insurance, the fund will cover the difference not covered by insurance.
Regarding financing, in article 8 it establishes that the fund will be financed up to 90,000 minimum wages, that is, G. 197,355,510,000 that will come from the non-executed balances of the loan of US $ 1,600 million authorized by the emergency law against the coronavirus. Loans programmed in the MSPyBS may also be redirected, and the Executive is authorized to use the socio-environmental funds of Itaipú and Yacyretá.
The Treasury will be responsible for readjusting the schedules and may redirect uncommitted loan balances that have been approved by law and that are in the execution stage to the fund.
The law will be in effect for the duration of the emergency declaration. Now it remains for the Executive to regulate the norm and for this it has a term of seven days.
The law was approved in the Senate on April 13, it was sanctioned the next day in the Chamber of Deputies and on the third day it was enacted.
Senator celebrates enactment
“Finally, Law No. 6725/21 was enacted, which guarantees 100% coverage for covid-19 patients in intensive therapies in the public, pension and private sectors, including medicines, studies and supplies, which will have to be regulated within a maximum period of time. 7 days, ”Senator Esperanza Martínez (FG) celebrated on her Twitter.