Ph:DR: Me Huguette Bokpè Gnacadja, President of the National Institute for Women (INF)
As a prelude to the 49th edition of the Celebration of International Women’s Day (IWD) in Benin, a National Forum on Investments for the benefit of Women and Gender is organized on March 7 and 8, 2024 in the blue room of the Palais des Congrès in Cotonou. Jointly organized by the National Institute for Women (INF) and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance (MASM), this forum aims to reflect on the question of investments in women and brings together the participation of five ( 5) Government ministers.
Inspired by the United Nations theme for IWD 2024, “Investing in women: accelerating the pace” the first forum on Investments for the benefit of women and Gender focused on the theme: “Investing in women by going even faster has become an imperative, and this investment must affect several areas simultaneously”
At the opening of the proceedings, Hervé Anani, president of the IWD Organizing Committee, in his welcome remarks, underlined “that it is hardly superfluous to specify that government action is in all respects favorable to the leadership and development of women.
Salvator Niyonzima, Resident Coordinator of the United Nations System in Benin, recalled for his part that the Government has taken concrete actions in favor of women and girls. Referring to the forum theme: “I think it’s an excellent idea to stop for a moment and take stock of the real investments intended to establish and accelerate the rights of girls and women this evening through laws, institutions or other measures “ and delivering the message from United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

A partial view of the women participating in the forum
Accelerate the pace of investments
At the official opening ceremony of the Forum, Me Huguette Bokpè Gnacadja, president of the INF, thanked the Minister of Social Affairs for his collaborative spirit. His thanks went to the various technical financial partners as well as to all the people and NGOs who were involved in promoting women’s rights.
“The need to accelerate the pace comes from the fact that the world is in a state of emergency: geopolitical conflicts, humanitarian crises, sharp upsurges in poverty marked by growing socio-economic inequalities and the persistent impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic , the worsening effects of climate change, terrorist threats with their forced migrations, etc. These situations seriously affect women and girls by exacerbating domestic violence, increasing vulnerability to sexual violence and all kinds of abuse, causing re-education or loss of livelihoods. listed the president of the INF.

Ph:DR: A partial view of the participants
“Alone we go faster, but together we go further”
The Government is undertaking major efforts at the legislative, institutional, resource allocation and women’s participation in governance levels. “But reality calls on us to redouble our efforts » confides the president of the INF, who adds : “Investing in women by going even faster has become an imperative. And these investments must affect several areas.”
“At the National Institute for Women (INF), we receive daily women damaged by domestic violence in the workplace. Those who are economically vulnerable first need emotional, psychological empowerment to escape the grip of ignorance that makes them believe that they have no choice in refusing to undergo violence,” declared Me. Huguette BOKPE GNACADJA.
For her, the intensification of investments must reach areas such as education, health and the employability of women. “Alone we go faster, but together we go further”it is on this call for unity that Me Huguette Bokpè Gnacadja officially launched the National Forum on investments for the benefit of women and gender.
A discussion panel on the theme: “Accelerating investment in women in politics”: Doctor Léontine Idohou, president of RIFONGA, moderator of this panel, returns here to the highlights of the discussions: “There were four panelists, influential figures in the field. They placed a lot of emphasis on training young people in political parties to become young leaders, this requires capacity building. There was also the problem of combating female illiteracy, a very important area in terms of female leadership and finally on positive masculinity because as a woman, alone, we could not find solutions, we must complementarity: that’s the genre. And they insisted on the fight against the power of money, because in general, women do not have many means to campaign in politics.”

Ph/DR: The panel of government ministers
Panel of members of the Government
Jointly organized by the President of the National Institute for Women (INF), Me Huguette Bokpè Gnacadja and the Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance (MASM), Ms. Véronique Tognifodé, this forum saw the participation of four other members of the Government who moderated a panel discussion on the progress made in the various ministerial departments in the promotion of women and gender issues.
They are the Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance, Ms. Véronique Tognifodé; of Commerce and Industry, Ms. Assouman……. ; of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Ms. Eléonore Ladékan; of Secondary Education, Mr. Kouaro Yves Chabi and the Minister of Health, Mr. Benjamin Hounkpatin.
A forum for sharing and progress in the fight against gender-related inequalities. “In 2016, for all the maternity wards in Benin, we had coverage of barely 20%, today there is almost a midwife in all the maternity wards in Benin. It’s essential “ said Benjamin Hounkpatin.
And when we talk about free education for girls in the education sector (schools, technical high schools), we remember that the Government ensures that all girls go to school for free by providing subsidies. “In the first cycle of general secondary education, girls do not pay any contribution. We have also extended these measures for the second cycle and already twenty (20) municipalities across the entire territory” declared Kouaro Yves Chabi. And the only problem that remains is that of girls who leave classes late at the secondary level.
The current Government is strongly investing in the advancement of women with reforms in each sector. Progress is noticeable: “There is all the potential of women and girls, all the power of women and we just need to let their talents express themselves in complementarity alongside men. (…) And I think that if we all put ourselves together in the fight and we can move forward a little further” underlined Ms. Véronique Tognifodé.
Two days of work are devoted to this forum to accelerate the pace of what is being done in the promotion of women and girls. Even if notable progress is noted by the participants and TFPs present at this forum, it should however be noted that actions are still needed for greater impact. “We must innovate, that is why we appreciate our TFPs (…) The Government’s efforts have advanced social issues and the feminist agenda for women’s rights in Benin. Concrete actions at the sectoral level, especially women, civil society and individuals are investing in these actions to advance the fight. We must encourage here in Benin everything that is done in this direction,” declared Richmond Tiémoko, UNFPA Resident Representative in Benin who intervenes on behalf of the PTF.
“I am speaking to you, the brave women from here and elsewhere, apart from the celebration, I am thinking of your individual and collective organizations to write together the beautiful pages of our history and of our determination. On behalf of the Head of Government, the entire government team that accompanies him and on my own behalf, I wish you the full achievement of equality and gender and the effective empowerment of all women for harmonious development. and inclusive”.
For this first forum on investments for the benefit of Women and Gender, the assessment has been made, commitments are made at various levels to accelerate the pace of actions and the strengthening of achievements to go further.