Home » Health » National Flu Report: Almost 2,800 Clinical Cases and 125 Laboratory-Confirmed Cases in February 19-25 Week

National Flu Report: Almost 2,800 Clinical Cases and 125 Laboratory-Confirmed Cases in February 19-25 Week

Almost 2,800 cases of clinical flu and 125 cases of laboratory-confirmed flu were registered, nationally, in the week of February 19-25, according to the specialists of the National Institute of Public Health (INSP). Four deaths were also reported. The incidence of respiratory infections had a decreasing trend compared to the previous week, experts say.

According to the report published by the National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases (CNSCBT) within the INSP, in the week of February 19-25, 95,217 cases of respiratory infections (clinical flu, IACRS and pneumonia) were reported, registering 2% more many cases compared to the same week of the previous season (93,350) and 13.5% fewer cases compared to the previous week (110,041). The negative variation compared to the calculated average of 114,996 cases in the last seasons (2016-2023, excluding pandemic seasons) was 17.2%.

Also, 2,781 cases of clinical flu were reported nationally, compared to 2,853 cases in the same week last season and 4,436 in the previous week. The cases of clinical flu were reported throughout the country, the most being in the city of Bucharest (464) and in the counties of Cluj (261), Braşov (214), Prahova (185) and Iasi (163).

In addition, there were 28 cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARS), 19 less than the previous week and 16 more than the same period of the previous season, 125 cases of laboratory-confirmed influenza (7 with AH1 influenza virus, 8 with AH3 influenza virus, 97 with non-subtyped A virus and 13 with B virus).

4 new deaths confirmed with influenza virus were reported.

Since the beginning of the season, 1,991 laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza have been reported, of which: 339 cases with influenza AH1 virus, 301 cases with influenza AH3 virus, 37 cases with influenza B virus, 1,308 cases with non-subtyped influenza A virus, 6 cases with influenza virus AH1 and AH3, 71 co-infections of influenza virus with SARS-CoV-2, 28 co-infections of influenza virus with RSV, 4 co-infections of influenza virus with SARS-CoV-2 and RSV .

So far, 91 confirmed deaths with influenza virus have been reported: 44 type A, subtype H1 (of which 3 co-infections with SARS-CoV-2), 23 type A, subtype H3 (of which 1 co-infection with SARS -CoV-2), 1 co-infection of influenza virus type A, subtype H1 and subtype H3, 23 type A, non-subtyped (of which 4 co-infections with SARS-CoV-2).

The 91 deaths were registered in the following age groups: 4 at 0-4 years, 6 at 15-49 years, 16 at 50-64 years, 65 at ≥65 years.

According to the quoted source, in the week of February 19-25, the incidence of respiratory infections had a downward trend compared to the previous week and was below the average level calculated for the last seasons. Influenza activity had a medium intensity, the geographical spread of the circulation of influenza viruses being maintained at the level of the entire country.

Until February 25, a number of 1,075,320 flu-vaccinated people were registered in the National Electronic Register of Vaccinations (RENV), of which 1,050,458 were from the population groups benefiting from settlement under the compensated regime.

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2024-02-29 21:40:28
#INSP #cases #clinical #flu #cases #laboratoryconfirmed #flu #week #February #deaths #reported #incidence #respiratory #infections #downward #trend #compared #previous #week

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