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National Education nurses are worried about their future and let it be known in the street

The nurses of the National Education mobilized yesterday in Paris and in the regions. They say they are worried: their workload has increased since the health crisis and the needs are great. The height? They “are threatened with outsourcing“protested the SNICS-FSU (National Union of Nursing Health Advisors).

Photo © SNICS-FSU (source Twitter)

Month after month, the discomfort worsens for the nurses of the national education. In question “an overload of work and the erasure of the deep meaning of their commitment in favor of pupils and students“, explains SNICS-FSU.

Yesterday, there were 1200 nurses, including 600 in Paris, from all the academies who shouted their fed up in the street. They are “determined to act to remain at the service of students and counter the current policy of sprinkling which does not meet the challenges or the needs “, adds the union.

Read also, on ActuSoins.com

National education nurses: between covid, overwork and decentralization, the cut is full (Jan 2021).

“Massive” job creation

Before the crisis, the nurses of the National Education carried out approximately 18 million consultations, with constant means, figures the SNICS.

But faced with the growing discomfort of young people and the widening inequalities in access to academic success, they “now find themselves unable to meet the needs of students.

Nurses must be reassured that they are their mission to welcome and listen. Massive job creation is imperative to keep the School open, to listen to pupils and students while ensuring our mission as health referents“, asks the union.

Refusal of decentralization

Professionals also reject decentralization. “National Education nurses threatened with outsourcing“, they indicate.

This government plans to resuscitate a school health medical service that was extinguished in 1982 because it was recognized as ‘obsolete, inefficient and unsuitable for schools and the health of young people’.

According to the union, territorializing this national competence will create inequalities between students, whether they were born in a department that puts health at the heart of its priorities or not.

In addition, they refuse the creation of a service of health experts, acting from the periphery of the School. “National Education nurses must be as close as possible to students“, they let it be known.

Salary increase

Discarded from the Ségur de la santé, the nurses of the National Education also let it be known. They have “a monthly salary 1000 euros lower than that of other category A agents. And they are always asked for more …

Determined to continue their actions “until the decentralization project is abandoned“, they also count on the support of their peers to make themselves heard. An online petition is circulating and has already collected nearly 44,000 signatures.

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