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National 3: Yanis Hamoudi (21), new player for Montluçon Foot (Allier)

Change a winning team, no … but strengthen it, yes ?! And that’s what the Montluçon Foot (Allier) on formalizing arrival at the club Yanis Hamoudi. Second of his hen in National 3 (three wins and two draws in five days, 11 points), the MF has indeed just recruited this young 21-year-old offensive player.

The player

Yanis Hamoudi lands on the banks of the Cher from the reserve team of Girondins de Bordeaux (N3), which he had joined in the summer of 2019. Before that, this number ten, able also to evolve on both sides of the attack, was trained in Tours. There, with the National U19s, he made it to the final of the 2018 Gambardella Cup. Then he joined group B Touraine in N3 (11 games, 4 goals).

Left free by Bordeaux since this summer, he was reclassified as an amateur on October 1 and therefore chose Montluçon to relaunch his career. The two sides reached an agreement recently, after the test carried out by the player at the club a fortnight ago proved successful.

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Return on the draw of Montluçon against Chambéry (2-2) during the fourth day of National 3 [09/10/2021]

A word from the coach

“It’s a small build that goes very quickly with the ball, provokes and is quite skilful in front of goal. He is versatile and can play either nine and a half or sides. “

Fabien Croze (Montluçon Foot coach)

“It’s a satisfaction, we didn’t have enough bench depth in the offensive sector and we had been looking for someone for several weeks ”. Stop looking for a coach, you have found it. Especially since Yanis Hamoudi, who has continued to talk to each other physically these last months, could be able to play and qualified as of this Saturday, October 23 in N3, for the match of Montluçon at the reserve of AS Saint-Étienne (3 pm).

Presentation of the Montluçon Foot (Allier) team for this 2021-2022 season [26/08/2021]

Luc Barre

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